jam sandwich

jam sandwich

1. Literally, two pieces of bread with jam in between them. Primarily heard in UK. When I was a kid, my family was very poor, and we ate jam sandwiches every day.
2. slang A police car. Primarily heard in UK. Slow down, there's a jam sandwich up ahead!
See also: jam, sandwich
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • get into (bit of) a jam
  • be in (a bit of) a jam
  • be in a jam
  • in (a bit of) a jam
  • in a jam
  • have jam on it
  • jam jar
  • inch back
  • get out of a jam
  • jam (something) down (someone's) throat
References in periodicals archive
JAM SANDWICH CAKES INGREDIENTS: For the cake: n250g soft butter n250g caster sugar n250g self-raising flour nFour medium eggs at room temperature n4tsp vanilla For the filling: n50g soft butter n100g icing sugar n Tbsp milk nTsp vanilla n200g strawberry/raspberry jam METHOD Place all the cake ingredients in a large bowl and beat with an electric whisk until everything is incorporated.
029 2030 4400 THEATRE The Giant Jam Sandwich One hot summer's day, four million wasps invade the quiet village of Itching Down.
Add P40 to get a serving of cold milk-it will go perfectly with your nut butter and jam sandwich.
Hayden even managed to keep his brother calm - as he was crying about his jam sandwich."
Hayden even managed to keep his brother calm -- as he was crying about his jam sandwich."
'For the fight against Shahbakhsh, he requested something sweet so I made a jam sandwich then gave him a boiled egg.
"They are also attracted to the abundance of sweet foods that humans provide - to a starving wasp, a jam sandwich or a can of Coke is just too tempting to avoid."
JAM SANDWICH PYJAMAS Children's brushed cotton unisex pyjamas in a red and biscuit check, with real shell buttons and straight leg trousers with an elasticated waist and drawstring.
This is a far cry from my childhood when youngsters couldn't wait to get out of the house, meet their mates and go off on bike rides or expeditions into the nearest woods and fields for hours on end, sometimes taking essential supplies such as a jam sandwich and a bottle of water.
The Giant Jam Sandwich, a book by John Vernon Lord, is used to link language acquisition with the engineering design and problem-solving process.
Highlights include "I wiped the dirt o his pear"; "I made him the jam sandwich he wanted"; "I told her she was adorable"; and - my personal favourite - "He met Bill Murray".
Then here it comes: a peanut butter and raspberry jam sandwich. Nicely trail-cured, warm and slightly squished.
"I also have a cheese and cloudberry jam sandwich! Maybe we can trade halves?" she urged on, trying like the new girl she was to be my friend, to leave an imprint on me.
And the humble JAM SANDWICH is proving a big hit after being introduced by Marks & Spencer.
I asked for a demonstration: To my colleague's horror, I opened a liberally buttered jam sandwich I had brought for lunch and smeared it all over the glass pane in my office door.