rude An initialism of "just another fucking day in paradise," used to express that things are really not going well or that something very frustrating or infuriating has happened. The abbreviation is only used in writing. A: "Nothing U can do?" B: "Nope. Whole file's corrupted." A: "FML, an entire month of work, down the drain. JAFDIP then." A: "Hey, Bill, how R U doing?" B: "Well, my job sucks and my marriage is on the rocks, so JAFDIP. U?"
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


acronym. just another fucking day in paradise. (A sarcastic expression for a bad day or a day in an unhappy situation. Usually objectionable.) Everything is going wrong. What do you expect. JAFDIP!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • WTG
  • HBU
  • FGI
  • FTS
  • BTS
  • CTFO
  • FOAD