hype up
hype up
1. To publicize someone or something in an aggressive, possibly unwarranted, manner. A noun or pronoun can be used between "hype" and "up." All those commercials hyped the movie up way too much—I have no interest in seeing it now.
2. To cause someone to become extremely excited. A noun or pronoun can be used between "hype" and "up." Loud music hypes up the team before a game.
See also: hype, up
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
hype up
1. To publicize or promote something or someone, especially by extravagant, inflated, or misleading claims: The publicist hyped up the new movie. The marketers hyped the new clothing line up.
2. To stimulate or excite someone: The news that I got the job hyped me up. The warm-up act hyped up the crowd before the big comedian came onstage.
See also: hype, up
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
hype something up
tv. to overpraise something; to propagandize something. They hyped it up too much.
See also: hype, something, up
hyped (up)
1. mod. excited; stimulated. She said she had to get hyped before the tennis match.
2. mod. contrived; heavily promoted; falsely advertised. I just won’t pay good money to see these hyped up movies.
3. mod. drug intoxicated. (Drugs.) Here comes another hyped up musician.
See also: hype, up
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- not do (someone or oneself) any favors
- rescue from
- rescue from (someone or something)
- identify with
- attune to
- ask back
- orient
- orient to
- orient to (something)
- involved with