have the constitution of an ox

have the constitution of an ox

To possess an unusually robust amount of strength, determination, and stamina, so as to be able to work extremely hard and/or overcome hardships or limiting factors (e.g., sickness, fatigue, alcohol, drugs, etc.). John works his farm single-handedly every day, from sunup to sundown; he must have the constitution of an ox! Mary has the constitution of an ox—she's had more drinks than any of us, and she still seems completely sober. Janice was bedridden with the flu over the weekend, but she must have the constitution of an ox because she was right back in the office first thing Monday morning.
See also: have, of, ox
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • come by
  • honestly
  • hard to come by
  • press onward
  • with great (something) comes great (something else)
  • necessity is the mother of invention
  • sit on a gold mine
  • sitting on a gold mine
  • have a case
  • have a case (against someone or something)
References in periodicals archive
Rihanna Unapologetic RIHANNA must have the constitution of an ox. Certainly her albums feel like fast food meals.
"You have to have the constitution of an ox. Most people do not seem to last the course.
You have to have the constitution of an ox. Most people don't seem to last the course
"Clinically, I should be dead," he said, but added: "I have the constitution of an ox."