What had been a spooky and desolate place began to
hum with activity and, most importantly, with the sounds of ships coming in and heading out.
Old tricks for new land
But soon enough, the retiree wakes up one morning with the awareness that despite the pointless hours, life has not stopped; the world continues to
hum with activity, and he can still meaningfully participate.
Moving on - life after the court
But it's not just the major roads that
hum with activity. Along the entire border, traffic, including tractors, nips backwards and forwards across a line they will hardly ever think about, often many times a day.
'We need the facts now' Douglas Chalmers, of the CLA North, looks at how Scottish independence could affect rural business in the North
Meanwhile, the busiest facilities, Castel and MediaPro, continue to
hum with activity, and the latter has now become the source of growing slates of original programming for TV, in particular skeins for Central European Media Enterprises, the five-country web launched in the region in the mid-'90s by Ron Lauder.
"I cannot believe my eyes when I look at the empty town, which used to
hum with activity just until a few days ago," he said.
Fight to save Pakistan city from flooding
Less than a quarter mile south, more than 50 businesses
hum with activity along a mile-long asphalt road snaking through the Bradley Business Park.
Never-ending cycle: Illinois' reliance on property taxes as the major source of school funding has major consequences for communities throughout the state
Four years later, his school's enrollment has increased to over 300 and the studios
hum with activity as girls in color-coded leotards and pulled-back hair scamper to classes.
A ballet company grows in St. Louis
Dawn is just breaking, but Southern's 78-passenger Amtran bus is beginning to
hum with activity.
Ride and read: spend a morning with rural Kentucky bus driver Tim Southern and witness a classroom on wheels. (Just look out for motion sickness.)
As far as infrastructure goes, Portland's industrial shipyards along its rivers
hum with activity. Readers will recall that the Exxon Valdez was brought to Portland for initial shipyard repairs in 1989.
Focus on Portland, Oregon
Its sidewalks and streets
hum with activity from dawa to the early morning hours.
Rukit: Tokyo's library of the future