hulk off

hulk off

1. To leave or walk away very angry, especially in a physically aggressive or imposing manner. A reference to The Incredible Hulk, a comic book character known for becoming very large and destructive when made angry. Everyone was expecting a fight to break out, but the guy just hulked off after the bouncer told him to leave.
2. To rip something off (of something) or away (from someone) in a fit of rage. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "hulk" and "off." I had gotten so frustrated by the fiddly lock on the bike that I ended up just hulking the whole thing off the wall.
See also: hulk, off
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • hulk
  • hulking
  • hulk out
  • my spider-sense is tingling
  • my spidey-sense is tingling
  • camp it up
  • strip (someone or something) of (something)
  • strip of
  • be built like a tank
  • built like a tank