hubba hubba

hubba hubba

A playful phrase used to suggest romantic interest in someone or between two people. Ooh, hubba hubba—she's gorgeous! A: "Have you seen those two flirting all night?" B: "I know! Hubba hubba!"
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

hubba hubba

An expression of appreciation. The phrase, along with the longer “hubba hubba ding ding” started during World War II, purportedly from a Chinese greeting “how-pu-how” that Air Force pilots learned from Chinese pilots trained at a Florida base. The phrase spread around the services, primarily due to comedian Bob Hope's radio broadcasts; Hope and sidekick Jerry Colonna used it frequently. The phrase was expanded to “Hubba hubba ding ding / I see some-thing” whenever a pretty girl passed by. Or when a couple was spied chatting romantically, “Hubba hubba ding ding / Think about a wedding ring.”
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price
See also:
  • chalk and cheese
  • Box and Cox
  • battle of the giants
  • (one, two, three) strikes against (someone or something)
  • after you, my dear Alphonse
  • at each other's throats
  • be at each other's throats
  • cling together
  • go two-forty
  • between two fires
References in periodicals archive
"I went from 'chubba' to 'hubba hubba' after string of dating disasters"
For anyone raised in Arlington Heights over the past four decades, the Hubba Hubba, Tutti Frutti, Three Queens and other ice cream masterpieces made Eros Restaurant & Ice Cream Parlour a family favorite.
THE GANDY MAN CAN HUBBA hubba! Ooops, did I say that out loud?
Forget the loving words, the gentle touch, and the hubba hubba passion and just have a sniff of a fungi?
Nettles still has a burning desire for the family handyman who stole her heart (and, according to the self-scribed lyrics, gasp, her innocence) on the leadoff track, "Falling.'' Summing up a secret rendezvous with her blue-collar lover in her father's garden, Nettles surmises, "I walked out more of a woman than I walked in.'' Hubba hubba! But being the wholesome, God-fearing country gal that she is, Nettles goes to church to confess all her sins and promises to the Almighty up above that she will never do it again.
Hubba hubba, Santana has a new love interest on Glee, The X-Factor's Demi Lovato.
Nearly 50 percent of respondents to a recent independent evaluation of the No Rubba, No Hubba Hubba campaign said that it had "definitely" or "probably" increased their Likelihood of using condoms in the future.
With his brother Jan, he co-wrote numerous stage tuners including "Hubba Hubba," which bowed at the Goodspeed Opera House in 1970 and ran at Manhattan Theater Club.
I really like "Hubba Hubba Boy." It's cool how Kirsten is true to her best friend over a guy.
During its life, the Shubert served as a dramatic theater for the local Bainbridge players, as the Alvin burlesque house during World War II (hubba hubba), and as the Academy 70-millimeter movie house, which closed in 1983.
This week's esteemed CRAP award (Celebrities Ranting About Pressure) is hereby awarded to that paragon of hubba hubba David Gandy.
We loved her red locks, but hubba hubba, Sherry looks fabba.
A new Ministry of health sexual health campaign has a strong message to young people--No Rubba, No Hubba Hubba. The campaign aims to reduce high rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in sexually active teenagers by encouraging them to use a condom every time they have sex.
Seal Glamour Lip Gloss Pot in Hubba Hubba, $5.50 Mary-Kate and Ashley Metallic Lips/Chrome Lip Gloss in Truly, $3
award (Celebrities About Pressure) awarded to that of hubba hubba Gandy.