how the mighty are fallen
how the mighty are fallen
Used to indicate the decline or failure of a person, group, or entity who used to be very successful, powerful, important, etc. The phrase can be humorously or sarcastically applied to everyday situations. A variant of the phrase "how the mighty have fallen." A: "Did you hear that that famous actress is probably going to jail after all?" B: "Oh wow, no I hadn't. How the mighty are fallen, huh?" Joan has to clean her own house these days? Oh, how the mighty are fallen! The country used to be an economic superpower, but now it is regarded with distrust and disdain by leaders around the world. How the mighty are fallen, indeed.
See also: fallen, how, mighty
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
- as you do
- believe it or not
- bion
- first rule of (something): do not talk about (something)
- eggs is eggs
- 10-4
- as one does
- come in
- come in a certain position
- come on in