How's the family?

How's the/your family?

A greeting inquiring about the well-being of one's family members. Hey, great to see you again! How's your family? A: "Hi Murray, how's the family?" B: "My sons are both in college now—can you believe it?"
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

How's the family?

 and How's your family?
an expression used on greeting to ask about the state of the person's immediate family. Bob: Hello, Fred. How are you? Fred: Fine, thanks. Bob: How's the family? Fred: Great! How's yours? Bob: Couldn't bebetter. "How's the family?" asked Bill, greeting his boss.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • How's the/your family?
  • (all) in the family
  • in the family
  • family
  • fam
  • run in the family
  • run in the/(one's) family
  • in the family way
  • in a family way
  • in a/the family way
References in periodicals archive
In So How's the Family?, Hochschild gathers a selection of her essays written between 1969 and 2013, using them to extend and articulate some of her core ideas.
Two years later, as I again Two years later, as I again escorted him, this time before his address to the Labour Party Conference, he asked his usual question: "How's the family?" escorted him, this time before his address to the Labour Party Conference, he asked his usual question: "How's the family?" On hearing my mother was in Swansea's Morriston Hospital with a fractured femur, he stopped immediately.
"It's such a shock that some of the most famous names in sport seem to know who you are: David Beckham came up and said, 'How are you, how's the family? I heard you had a little grandson last week'.
"How's the family?" "Jack playing this year?" "Been up the City much?
How's the family? This corking question compels any senior to dig deep to uncover what his or her family is doing, has faced or should be doing.
16-Recalling Mr Mandela's 2000 visit to the Labour Party conference in Brighton, he said: "As I escorted him inside, he asked his usual question: 'How's the family?'.