desperate times call for desperate measures

desperate times call for desperate measures

proverb Extreme and undesirable circumstances or situations can only be resolved by resorting to equally extreme actions. Derived from the proverb, "Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies." I know that the austerity measures introduced by the government during the recession are unpopular, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
See also: call, desperate, measure, times
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • desperate times require desperate measures
  • drastic
  • drastic times call for drastic measures
  • drastic times require drastic measures
  • require
  • desperate
  • desperate diseases must have desperate remedies
  • remedy
  • follow the golden mean
  • road rage
References in periodicals archive
Desperate times call for desperate measures. News of Windows 8.1 with Bing comes from Wzor, a rather renowned Windows leaker from Russia.
DESPERATE times call for desperate measures with thousands of unemployed showing an interest in paying a one-time fee of e1/41,220 to a company in Larnaca in order to get a job, sources at the labour ministry have revealed, but it could be illegal.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, and in a lawless South where justice is arbitrary and order is maintained by the unprincipled and undisciplined, desperate measures are gambles that sometimes pay off.
DESPERATE times call for desperate measures. A spurt in the number of dengue cases in the national Capital has prompted the residents to try out any product that promises to keep the deadly aedis aegypti mosquitoes away.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, as proved by Arsenal's decision to loan the Elgin Marbles to the British Museum and the Greek government's shock appointment of Gervinho as Finance Minister.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. So, if Rangers manage to beat Man U tonight, can I ask my wee pal Chick Young to donate his Y-fronts to the nearest fertility clinic?
They say desperate times call for desperate measures, but the idea of taxing what one already pays as tax (and such contributions are a very direct form of taxation, make no mistake about it), is beyond desperate.
Desperate times call for desperate measures and Ray Drecker's (Thomas Jane) situation couldn't be much tougher.
Undoubtedly desperate times call for desperate measures, but one can't help but wonder where it will all end.
Similarly, a half-day seminar addresses the idea that Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures: Building Community in Today's Economy.
Well, desperate times call for desperate measures. At my office, we have recently become superstitious in our fervent desire for new business.
Desperate times call for desperate measures -- or at least unorthodox ones.
DESPERATE TIMES CALL FOR DESPERATE MEASURES. At one time or another, that cliche has been applied to most aspects of life--war, sports, love, politics, business, you name it.
But desperate times call for desperate measures and the boss' pride - or some might say pigheadedness - should not be allowed to stand in the way of the nation's 2010 World Cup hopes.