in its entirety

in its/their entirety

Totally or completely. Darn, I was hoping to get a piece of cake, but it looks like it's been eaten in its entirety. A: "Did you finish the books in their entirety? In just one week?" B:"Yes! It's such a good series!"
See also: entirety
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

in its entirety

 and in their entirety
completely; until completely done or gone. I watched the basketball game in its entirety. My friends and I ate the two large pizzas in their entirety.
See also: entirety
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

in its/their enˈtirety

as a whole, rather than in parts: The poem is too long to quote in its entirety.
See also: entirety
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • entirety
  • in its/their entirety
  • darn tootin'
  • darn tooting
  • darn
  • darn it
  • darn it!
  • schmear
  • from cover to cover
  • root and branch
References in periodicals archive
One class period is enough to view each movie in its entirety. Smaller five-minute segments can be interspersed within a lesson.
In both cases, the responding party asserted a defense to production that was dismissed more or less in its entirety by the court.
There is even talk of skipping a traditional press preview and unveiling the show in its entirety only on opening day.
Thus, regardless of the answers given to questions in the application, if the financial statements submitted along with the application prove to later be materially misstated (the likely end result of a financial restatement), the carriers will argue that their reliance on such financial statements in issuing the policy provides independent grounds to rescind the policy in its entirety as to all insureds, regardless of knowledge or intent.
This Statement does not apply to features that are embedded in a financial instrument that is not a derivative in its entirety. For example, it does not change the accounting treatment of conversion features, conditional redemption features, or other features embedded in financial instruments that are not derivatives in their entirety.
After reviewing Kempling's articles on this matter, the College declared "Everything that you have written in its entirety is derogatory and discriminatory." Kempling is to be sentenced January 23 of this year.
To maximize safety in vacuum pick and place operations, KMS Series have a large flat top in its entirety (i.e., no holes or bumps).
Movement III unfolds as a graceful pastorale in 6/8 time, presenting the melody twice in its entirety, adding gravity through use of an ostinato-like pedal line.
For the economic substance of Winn-Dixie's COLI program, the court looked to the plan "in its entirety rather than any single step." The court discovered that,"[w]ithout the tax savings from the tax deductions for policy loan interest and fees, there would have been a substantial negative cash-flow in each year, and the costs of maintaining the COLI plan would have greatly exceeded benefits." Winn-Dixie argued that the plan could produce tax-independent benefits if a catastrophic event produced large, unexpected death benefits.
* Quilt displayed: The NAMES Project AIDS memorial quilt is displayed in its entirety on the Mall in Washington, D.C.
Taken directly from the Department of Labor in its entirety, the DOT provides users with the right employment category wording when filling out a form.
Supreme Court denied the motion in its entirety. Defendant now appeals.
(The Flooded Grave made its public debut early last month in Ottawa as part of the National Gallery of Canada's "Elusive Paradise" exhibition.) In fact, most of our conversation took place as we perched on either side of a tall folding ladder--to take in the picture in its entirety.
Significantly, the agreement requires the hospital to "adopt verbatim and in its entirety" the recruitment guidelines developed by the IRS National Office.