in great, large, etc. measure

in full measure

To a full or complete extent, proportion, or degree. This bill won't eliminate existing tax loopholes for large multinational companies in full measure, but it will go a long way towards rectifying the situation.. While I don't agree with you in full measure, I think you raise a number of valid points.
See also: full, measure

in great measure

To a great or considerable extent, proportion, or degree. In great measure, this bill will eliminate existing tax loopholes for large multinational companies. I agree with you in great measure, but there are a few specific points I would like to correct.
See also: great, measure
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

in great, large, etc. ˈmeasure

(formal) to a great extent or degree: His success is in great measure the result of good luck. You are in large measure responsible for all our problems. My expectations had been met in full measure.
See also: measure
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • in full measure
  • full/short measure
  • full measure
  • full circle, come
  • full of years
  • be full of beans
  • glass
  • seize the moment
  • full up
  • on a full stomach