
Related to desist: cease and desist order, Cease and desist

cease and desist

To stop doing something. This phrase is typically associated with legal matters. We received a letter ordering us to cease and desist due to copyright infringement, so we had to halt production.
See also: and, cease, desist

desist from (something)

To stop doing something. If you don't desist from blasting that music, I'm calling the police!
See also: desist
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

cease and desist

to completely stop doing something. (A legal phrase.) The judge ordered the merchant to cease and desist the deceptive practices. When they were ordered to cease and desist, they finally stopped.
See also: and, cease, desist

desist from something

to stop doing something. You must desist from further attempts to contact your wife. I wish you would desist from calling me Willie.
See also: desist
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

cease and desist

Stop, leave off doing something, as in: "Bliss excavated at least once on his own and Dr. Brand ... told him to cease and desist" (Douglas Preston quoting Frank Hibben, The New Yorker, June 12, 1995). This legal term is a redundancy, since cease and desist mean virtually the same thing, but often appears in legal documents to avoid possible misinterpretation. [c. 1920]
See also: and, cease, desist
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • cease
  • cease and desist
  • desist from
  • desist from (something)
  • draw the curtain on (something)
  • draw the curtain over (something)
  • come to a stop
  • let (something) lie
  • let something lie
  • cease fire
References in periodicals archive
Furthermore, in accordance with Section 5(6) of the Act, failure to comply with the bank's order to cease and desist such operations render the owners/promoters liable to a fine of P2 000 on each day on which the contravention occurs and to imprisonment for three years.
* Synergy Solutions and Brian Geary, Phoenix; ordered to cease and desist from acting as an adjuster
The Texas banking commissioner has issued a cease and desist order against Arisebank.
Tokpa urges his compatriots who have intention to contest the by-election in Bong County to be civil and desist from preaching divisive politics.
I urge you to desist from using drugs in sports," She said yesterday, adding that by competing clean, athletes would attract sponsorships from companies willing to invest in athletics.
"That's why they should hold an early vote in the Scottish Parliament to desist, delay and stop an independence referendum in this term."
The Council deplored the decision at the conclusion of the workings of its 145th session, chaired by the Kingdom of Bahrain, disapproved the statements of Iranian officials of incitement against Arab countries, calling on Iran to desist from hostile and provocative statements and stop media campaigns against the Arab states as they are blatant interference in the internal affairs of these countries.
The temporary cease and desist order required the credit union take certain actions, including:
He said that all political parties and candidates would desist from all such activities that come under crime under the election laws.
He said that media should desist from broadcasting or publishing any news, which pose opposition public opinion against any particular party or candidate.
In addition to the cease and desist, Nagel must pay $25,000 within 10 days of the order.
The cease and desist order here is declared null and void,'' said Judge Ricciardone's ruling, filed Friday.
One of the risks of sending a patent cease and desist letter, however, is that, unless the letter is carefully drafted, the infringer may file its own action for a declaratory judgment (DJ) of non-infringement.
M2 EQUITYBITES-May 21, 2014--Fed lifts cease and desist order from Ohio's Central Federal
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-May 21, 2014--Fed lifts cease and desist order from Ohio's Central Federal