hot spot

hot spot

1. A popular location for entertainment or social activity. The trendy new restaurant became the city's latest hot spot.
2. A place where a particular thing occurs frequently. City Hall has become a hot spot for protests lately—it seems like there's one every week.
3. A place known to be dangerous due to violence or crime. The government issued an alert to Americans traveling abroad, warning them about hot spots for terrorism.
See also: hot, spot
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

a ˈhot spot

1 a place where fighting is common, especially for political reasons: As a journalist, I get sent to one hot spot after another.
2 a place where there is a lot of activity or entertainment: We went clubbing in some of Ibiza’s most famous hot spots.
See also: hot, spot
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • a hot spot
  • all the thing
  • in thing, the
  • any old place
  • any old thing, time, place, etc.
  • have a 20 on (someone)
  • wave of the future
  • get a 20 on (someone)
  • hot ticket
  • vogue
References in periodicals archive
four hot spots of white fly, seven hot spots of Aphid, mites (1),
Hot spots are a localised skin condition that affects countless dogs every year.
In the other 3 hot spot provinces, Ituri, Haut Lomami, and Haut Katanga, more sporadic outbreaks occurred.
Also tagging our City as among the country's election hot spots will greatly affect our investor's confidence, tourism industry and economy in general," the mayor said.
Another time that veterinary intervention is necessary is when a dog's hot spot becomes so big and painful that it requires sedation for proper clipping and cleaning.
The information about the hot spot and the temperatures across the planet's surface came from infrared data collected through the Spitzer Space Telescope.
The above researches about ignition of explosive particles did not consider the size and distribution of the particles in the process of the hot spot formation under drop weight.
In Bahawalnagar, one hot spot of white fly, Thrips (2), and armyworm (1).
One of the computer assistants pointed out during our interview that many residents in the neighborhood expected the Hot Spot where he worked to be "here today, gone tomorrow." He told me this was a real problem in the beginning, when few people came to the Hot Spot.
After detecting hot spots in four areas in Date, Fukushima Prefecture, the central government on June 30 designated 113 households there as special evacuation spots and announced that it will help residents if they choose to evacuate.
Paying occasional daily Wi-Fi hot spot fees for data, for example, might be palatable to Joe.
The Hot Spot Finder is the latest addition to the company's line of Wahl Heat Spy thermal imaging cameras.
A hot spot is marked by periods of intense activity that fuels its productive capacity.
That gooey mess might be diagnosed as pyotraumatic dermatitis, wet eczema, or a Staphylococcus intermedius infection, but it's what everyone calls a hot spot.
LATELY I'VE HEARD a lot of talk about Arizona being the new hot spot for skating.