hot paper

hot paper

n. bad checks; a bad check. (see also hot check.) That teller can spot hot paper a mile away.
See also: hot, paper
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • bad paper
  • bad press
  • a bad press
  • have a bad opinion of (someone or something)
  • have a good, bad, high, low, etc. opinion of somebody/something
  • be downhill all the way
  • downhill all the way
  • as bad as all that
  • it's the story of my life
  • story of my life, the
References in periodicals archive
* Hot Papers--If a paper published in the past 2 years is in the top 0.1% for citations of its broad field in the past 2 months, it gets an icon indicating "Hot Paper"
The icons for highly cited or hot papers appear in WoS records next to the number of citations.
Israeli soldiers sprayed Morad with hot paper which caused him severe headache.
The journal editors named this a "hot paper" that "advances knowledge in a rapidly evolving field of high current interest."
Li's paper, co-authored with lab members Monsur Ali, Sergio Aguirre and Hadeer Lazim, was designated a 'hot paper' by Angewandte's editors for its "importance in a rapidly evolving field of current interest."
Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Cincinnati, Ohio sells the first and only 100% biodegradable, compostable and renewable environment-friendly hot paper cup on the market.
Made from Ingeo™ biopolymer from NatureWorks LLC, the Eco-Products hot cup lid debuts in April and will fit the stock sizes of hot paper cups: 10, 12, 16, 20 and 24 ounces.
The Thomson Scientific Hot Papers Database identifies a published work as a Hot Paper if it has achieved a rate of citations in scientific journals that is markedly higher than papers of comparable type and age.
Publishing nine highly cited Hot Papers on Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) earned the University of Hong Kong's Malik Peiris the title "hottest researcher," according to the March/April issue of Science Watch, the bimonthly newsletter published by Thomson Scientific.
Huhtamaki also worked in collaboration with Blackburn Corrugated Packaging (now trading as BCP Fluted Packaging), to adapt 'Huggi Sleeve' Technology, which gives added protection to hot paper cups for use with hot food products.
After CoolCuff is used to handle a hot paper cup, one of its panels is easily torn off to be used as an eye-catching coupon to promote return visits to the point-of-purchase shop or to help sell other products.
Hot papers require prompt action, like bills and R.S.V.P.s," says productivity consultant Sara Caputo of Santa Barbara, California.
Use an inbox, wall pocket or bulletin board for hot papers, and file or dispose of them as they are dealt with.
Top journals want exciting findings to publish, because hot papers bolster their "impact factor," which ultimately can translate into profits.