hotbed of

hotbed of (something)

A place or environment full of something or where something is apt to proliferate, often something unpleasant. It seems our old town has become a hotbed of crime in the years since we've lived there.
See also: hotbed, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

hotbed of something

Fig. a nest of something; a gathering place of something. This office is a hotbed of lazy people. My class is a hotbed of nerds.
See also: hotbed, of
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • a/the feel of (something)
  • (I) wouldn't (do something) if I were you
  • (you've) got to get up pretty early in the morning to (do something)
  • a straw will show which way the wind blows
  • a crack at (someone or something)
  • all right
  • (you) wanna make something of it?
  • all for the best
  • a thing of the past
  • a slew of (something)
References in classic literature
The only course that seemed to him in any way satisfactory in this his hour of rejuvenation was to visit the bee farm, the hotbed of crime, and keep an eye on it.
A dismal swamp, on which the half-built houses rot away: cleared here and there for the space of a few yards; and teeming, then, with rank unwholesome vegetation, in whose baleful shade the wretched wanderers who are tempted hither, droop, and die, and lay their bones; the hateful Mississippi circling and eddying before it, and turning off upon its southern course a slimy monster hideous to behold; a hotbed of disease, an ugly sepulchre, a grave uncheered by any gleam of promise: a place without one single quality, in earth or air or water, to commend it: such is this dismal Cairo.
Even then I realized the possibilities of my suburb, that hotbed of revolution in which heroes, inventors, and practical men of science, rogues and scoundrels, virtues and vices, were all packed together by poverty, stifled by necessity, drowned in drink, and consumed by ardent spirits.
Clashes between New Peoples' Army (NPA) rebels and government troops are not new to the city, which has long been a hotbed of communist insurgency.
"Hotbed of citizen empowerment and participation in governance!!!"
Vice-chancellors committee chairman Francis Aduol echoed Prof Magoha's sentiments, narrating how he interviewed two PhD graduates for lecturer positions whom he found to be ill-trained.Last month, Kenya was described as a hotbed of academic dishonesty, where jobless graduates are minting millions of shillings writing thesis and term papers for students in the United Kingdom.
Moscow, SANA -- Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reiterated the need to eliminate the hotbed of terrorism in Idleb province.
'I agree with the president that Naga is a hotbed of drugs.'
Late Tuesday, electric car manufacturer Tesla posted its response to a class-action lawsuit filed against the company a day earlier that accused its production plant in Fremont, California, of being a "hotbed for racist behavior." Tesla titled its response, posted on its website, "Hotbed of Misinformation."
No other details were available but Coventry has been a hotbed of potential UFO sightings over the years.
They became a hotbed of extremist militants following the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.
Bosses at the high-profile professional services company have praised Northern Ireland as a "hotbed of talent".
"I said, and I stand by it, that as a player when you get off the bus at Newcastle and Sunderland you feel like you are in a hotbed of football - and you don't get that at Middlesbrough," he reiterated.
BAGHDAD / NINA / Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that "what he called it / actual division / in Iraq and the tragedy in Syria turned the region into a hotbed of instability."
Al-Youm newspaper pointed out that politicians throughout the world should pay attention to the importance of settling the existing conflicts in the region including Syria, Iraq, the occupied Palestinian territories, Libya, Yemen or other areas that are still hotbeds for terrorism and terrorists, noting that the region is still a fertile hotbed of the phenomenon of terrorism and breeding terrorists.