depart from this world

depart from this world

To die; to pass on to the afterlife. Our role is to contribute something positive to others before we depart from this world, in whatever way possible.
See also: depart, this, world
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • depart this life
  • run off
  • depart for (some place)
  • depart for some place
  • whom
  • Whom the gods love die young
  • (those) whom the gods love die young
  • the next world
  • next world
  • the other side
References in periodicals archive
Unfortunately we have almost forgotten the art of mourning those who depart from this world. And it has something to do with the times we live in.
Netanyahu said UNRWA needs to depart from this world, and that the continued support from an agency that specifically supports ongoing Palestinian refugees is a threat to the state of Israel, encouraging the possible right of return.
But it consoles an unathletic like me, who can't get past floating and, therefore, is not ever going to become a strong swimmer and unlikely to depart from this world by drowning.
We all have to depart from this world one or the other day she said.
The film deals with the question: What would you do if you knew you were going to depart from this world? And how would you perceive your life?
It is laughter which has saved me and I wish to depart from this world laughing," said Chaudhary.
Personal choice is affecting how we depart from this world.
Every human being has to depart from this world. On departure if he has left behind good deeds that are beneficial to mankind and a means of guidance to it, then even after death his soul will continue to receive the rewards.
Edward Kennedy and Warren Christopher of USA also chose 2011 to depart from this world.
However, when I do depart from this world I will want a Union Flag draped over my coffin with a horse drawn hearse with red, white and blue plumes and etched on my headstone I will want a Union Flag together with the words "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.
Those who depart from this world may or may not be with God automatically.
I saw her depart from this world with Gabby the black labrador across a field of light.
One day everyone will depart from this world, but some will die twice.
And not as what often happens to great musicians who suddenly depart from this world, to bestow belated tributes, numerous accolades, and posthumous awards-all of them rendered senseless-when the recipients themselves and their family are deprived of joy and pride due them as also enjoying and cherishing the thought that their loved one had mattered so much to others.