in the short run
Related to in the short run: long-run, in the short term
in the short run
Over a relatively brief period of time; in, during, or for the immediate future. Usually used in contrast with the long term or the far future. While their latest product saw lots of buyers in the short run, they failed to create enough buzz to generate long-term sales. Drinking may be fun in the short run, but it can cause irreparable damage to your body down the line. The bill will fund the government in the short run, it does nothing to address the overall budget deficit that still looms over the country.
See also: run, short
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
in the short run
see under in the long run.
See also: run, short
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
in the short run (or term)
over a brief period of time.See also: run, short
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
in the ˈshort run
concerning the immediate future: In the short run, unemployment may fall. OPPOSITE: in the long runSee also: run, short
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
- in future
- in the future
- see no further than (the end of) (one's) (own) nose
- see no further than the end of nose
- the shape of things to come
- in the foreseeable future
- tell fortunes
- for the foreseeable future
- for/in the foreseeable future
- foreseeable