This will
denude SE Wales of learning opportunities for adults and lead to the loss of 140 jobs, most of them part-time women tutors.
Looking to Neil; LETTERS
Like many pristine forests in Latin America, the human inhabitants of this forest are poor farmers who lack electricity and indoor plumbing, rip up forests to grow crops, throw garbage, pollute rivers,
denude hillsides for firewood and hunt endangered species.
Stripped bare: a profit motive might be the best way to convince poor farmers to leave the trees alone
"It does not comport with reason," it said, "that one will
denude himself of all his earnings during a long period of years without making some provision for old age."
You be the judge
It said it was a powder used to kill trees and
denude forests to prevent them being used for cover by Vietnamese fighters.
100 Thais stricken by foul-smelling chemical at airport
In the same address, the Cardinal pointed out that those who call most loudly for an "inculturation" that would
denude the Christian liturgical tradition of all the trapings of European civilization would never, at the same time, call for their own exclusion from "the natural science and technology which originated in the West." Technology is no more "neutral" with respect to culture than the sacred arts, and the introduction of Western technology throughout the world is in any case eroding all the differences between ancient cultures, and creating a single global community with one life and destiny.
Liturgy in renewal?
Des mouvements feministes devaient defiler, hier mardi dans l'apres-midi, depuis la place Tal'at Harb jusqu'a Dar Al Qada' (Palais de Justice), pour protester contre les images insoutenables de Hamada Saber, un quinquagenaire brutalement battu et traEne
denude par la police devant le palais presidentiel.
Des femmes defilent, en defense des hommes..
I WAS somewhat bemused by J Klinger's letter (Neglect To Mention Eyesores, 27.06.08) as he had Ormesby Hall on his list of areas
denude of flowers in any containers.
Letter: Your Say - Odd tub thump