horizontal mambo

horizontal mambo

slang The act of sex, especially sexual intercourse. My brother spends his weekends cruising the bars around town in hopes of doing the horizontal mambo with someone.
See also: horizontal, mambo
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • mambo
  • horizontal dance
  • horizontal jogging
  • horizontal dancing
  • go for a horizontal jog
  • horizontal
  • jog
  • horizontal hula
  • hula
  • the horizontal hula
References in periodicals archive
Party boy is not looking for the wedding march and more than likely, likes the horizontal mambo."
Cougar schmougar - an adult woman doing the horizontal mambo with a 17-year-old boy is just too icky for words.
In this film though, he does less of the Billy ballet and more the horizontal mambo!
Take Fred and Ginger--The Astaire and Rogers Collection: Volume One (Warner, $59.92; August 16) features four great movies in which the legendary duo replace the horizontal mambo with some of the screen's most breathtaking--and even erotic, in an art deco way--dancing.
One day you're going to arrive at page 173, on which two of those brilliant/witty/troubled people in your pages will have to do the horizontal mambo.
The official website said: "The blanket did some heavy duty heaving as Gaetano's horizontal mambo began.