
beyond the horizon

Farther than the possible limit of sight; beyond what one is able to foresee, know, or anticipate. Just beyond the horizon the first signs of daylight signaled the approaching dawn. My mind wandered out beyond the horizon, trying to picture what my life would look like 10 years from now.
See also: beyond, horizon

broaden (one's) horizons

To have a new experience. I'm really nervous to live at school, but I know I need to broaden my horizons and get some experience living without my family. I can't believe that Molly has never left the state before! She seriously needs to broaden her horizons!
See also: broaden, horizon

cloud on the horizon

An omen that something bad or problematic will happen in the near future. Financial analysts believe that the sudden drop in oil prices points to a cloud on the horizon for the national economy.
See also: cloud, horizon, on

dark cloud on the horizon

An omen that something bad or problematic will happen in the near future. Financial analysts believe that the sudden drop in oil prices points to a dark cloud on the horizon for the national economy.
See also: cloud, dark, horizon, on

expand (one's) horizons

To have or seek out new experiences, especially if one's experiences have been relatively limited. I'm really nervous to live at school, but I know I need to expand my horizons and get some experience living without my family. I can't believe that Molly has never left the state before! She seriously needs to expand her horizons!
See also: expand, horizon

on the horizon

1. Literally, on or at the point where the earth and the sky meet. We saw an island on the horizon and started heading toward it.
2. By extension, happening or appearing in the near future. Many analysts warned that an economic crash was on the horizon, but none of the world's governments paid any mind.
See also: horizon, on

there are clouds on the horizon

There are omens that something bad or problematic will happen in the near future. Financial analysts believe that the sudden drop in oil prices means that there are clouds on the horizon for the national economy.
See also: cloud, horizon, on, there

widen (one's) horizons

To have or seek out new experiences, especially if one's experiences have been relatively limited. I'm really nervous to live at school, but I know I need to widen my horizons and get some experience living without my family. I can't believe that Molly has never left the state before! She seriously needs to widen her horizons!
See also: horizon
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

expand one's horizons

Fig. to experience and learn new things. Read more! Travel! Go out and expand your horizons!
See also: expand, horizon

on the horizon

1. Lit. appearing at the boundary between the earth and the sky. There is a storm on the horizon.
2. Fig. soon to happen. Do you know what's on the horizon? There is some excitement on the horizon, but I can't tell you about it.
See also: horizon, on
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

on the horizon

Within view, not too far away, as in The analysts see a huge rise in the stock market on the horizon.
See also: horizon, on
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

on the horizon

COMMON If something is on the horizon, it is almost certainly going to happen or be done quite soon. The threat of even more violence looms on the horizon. As with so many common diseases, there is no obvious cure on the horizon.
See also: horizon, on
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

on the horizon

just imminent or becoming apparent.
See also: horizon, on
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

a (small) cloud on the hoˈrizon

a sign of trouble or difficulty to come: Although we are making good profits there is one cloud on the horizon — the government may increase taxes.
See also: cloud, horizon, on

on the hoˈrizon

soon to happen: The change of government means that there are new developments on the horizon.
See also: horizon, on
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • beyond the horizon
  • a bit too much
  • great beyond
  • the Great Beyond
  • beyond some emotional response
  • beyond depth
  • beyond (one's) depth
  • beyond (one's) wildest dreams
  • beyond your wildest dreams
  • possibility
References in periodicals archive
Horizon was advised by Stephens, Inc., Renninger and Associates, LLC and the law firm of Barnes and Thornburg LLP.
Horizon is a world leader in Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell systems, with a wide range of Fuel Cells in both air and liquid-cooled designs, offering modules delivering up to 100kW net output.
As of September 30, 2018, Horizon held a portfolio of warrant and equity positions in 78 portfolio companies, including 64 private companies, which provides the potential for future additional returns to Horizon's shareholders.
The hardware and user interfaces of the Horizon 4 product suite were developed in-house by teams based at Liberty Global's tech campus in Schiphol-Rijk in The Netherlands, together with various teams in other countries and with external partners across Europe.
What do you think of the changes in Horizon update 1.10?
The X-Man catalogue includes both diploid (cells with two natural copies of each gene) cell lines and haploid (proprietary cells engineered to have only one copy of each gene) cell lines developed using Horizon's proprietary precision and high-throughput (HT-CRISPR) genome-editing technologies.
VMware might attract Citrix customers, who are looking forward to upgrade to latest versions of XenApp and XenDesktop with the launch of Horizon 6.
Horizon BSF has been particularly successful in growing market share by supplying items such as its Versa interactive roller board, and off-the-shelf items such as poster cases, notice boards and school furniture.
"To obtain these certifications in such a short time demonstrates our strong commitment to excellence and innovation," said Mark White, CEO, One Horizon Group.
NOTIS Horizon was scheduled for initial release in mid-1994.
Horizon said it will reintegrate the nine aircraft into its fleet to support its current network and expand service.
Horizon's unusual marketing tool, which spokesman Thomas Rubino calls a "slow-moving billboard in the sky," has been a great boon for the health plan.
Horizon NY Inc., licensee of the Orange County Choppers clothing line, recently signed a lease at 530 Seventh Ave.
"The eye is the first circle; the horizon which it forms is the second; and throughout nature this primary figure is repeated without end.
Recently filled your shopping cart with Cascadian Farms cereal (General Mills owned), Boca Burgers (Kraft Foods) and a gallon of Horizon Organic milk (Dean Foods)?