hook up

hook up

1. verb To connect two things. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "hook" and "up." We can hook up your car to my truck to try to jumpstart it.
2. verb To set up an electronic device or system. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "hook" and "up." Can you hook up my TV before you leave?
3. verb To meet with someone in order to spend time with them. I hope we'll be able to hook up for coffee or something while you're home for Christmas break.
4. verb To arrange a date for two people. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "hook" and "up." Oh, I've been trying to hook Carmen and Bill up for years—I think they'd be great together!
5. verb To get married. Do you guys ever plan to hook up after dating for so long?
6. verb To be romantically involved with someone. No, we never hooked up—we're just friends.
7. verb, slang To kiss. I heard Jenny hooked up with Brian. Did you two hook up yet?
8. verb, slang To have a casual sexual encounter. I can't believe you hooked up with my ex-boyfriend!
9. noun, slang A casual sexual encounter. In this usage, the phrase is often written as one word ("hookup"). It was just a hookup—we're not dating or anything.
10. noun, slang Someone with whom one has had a casual sexual encounter. In this usage, the phrase is often written as one word ("hookup"). He was just a hookup—we're not dating or anything. I honestly don't remember—it's not like I keep a list of my hookups or something.
See also: hook, up
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

hook someone or something up

 (to someone or something) and hook someone or something up (with someone or something)
1. Lit. to attach someone or something to someone or something. The nurse hooked the patient up to the oxygen tubes. They hooked up the patient with the tubes.
See also: hook, up

hook someone up (with someone)

Fig. to arrange for someone to go out with someone. I hooked Alice up with Tom last year, and now they're getting married.
See also: hook, up

hook something up

to set something up and get it working. (The object is to be connected to a power supply, electronic network, telephone lines, etc.) Will it take long to hook the telephone up? As soon as they hook up the computer to the network, I can e-mail my friends.
See also: hook, up
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

hook up

1. Assemble or wire a mechanism, as in Dick helped us hook up the stereo system. [1920s]
2. Connect a mechanism with a main source, as in The computer had not yet been hooked up to the mainframe. [1920s]
3. hook up with. Form a tie or association, as in She had hooked up with the wrong crowd. [Slang; mid-1900s]
See also: hook, up
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

hook up

1. To connect or attach something to something else: We'll hook up these shelves to that wall. The plumber hooked the pipes up to the shower.
2. To assemble or wire up some mechanism: Could you help me hook up my stereo? Someone from the cable company stopped by to hook the television up.
3. To meet or associate with someone: We agreed to hook up after class. He hooked up with the wrong crowd.
4. Slang To get married: We finally hooked up after five years of living together.
5. Slang To become romantically involved with someone: I joined the dating service to try to hook up with someone.
6. Vulgar Slang To become sexually involved with someone.
See also: hook, up
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • hook on
  • hook oneself on
  • hooked on
  • hooked on something
  • hook in
  • hook in(to something)
  • hook something down
  • hook down
  • box
  • boxed
References in periodicals archive
There were no between-subjects differences; that is, the acceptability of the average female or male students' sexual hook up behavior did not differ as a function of participant gender, own hook up behavior, or any interactions.
Because only one man reported any unwanted sex, we could not test for significant hook up x gender interactions.
About 37% of students reported hooking up since moving to college, and these students showed attitudes and behaviors consistent with college hook up culture (Bogle, 2008).
This study also compared the hook up experiences of women and men new to college.
Negative emotions reported by women after hook ups might also be related to experiences of unwanted hook up sex.
Open discussions with resident assistants or peer educators acknowledging both the pleasurable and risky elements of hook ups might support varied levels of involvement in hook up culture.
In conclusion, we found that students new to a residential campus are more likely to hook up if they hold permissive sexual attitudes and perceive hook ups as common on campus.