

Nonsense. The origin of the word is unknown. His explanation is total hooey—it doesn't answer the question at all.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. nonsense. The whole newspaper is nothing but hooey today.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

lot of hooey, a

Complete nonsense, total rubbish. The precise origin of the slangy noun hooey has been lost, but its meaning dates from the early 1900s. Elmer Rice had a version of it in his Pulitzer Prize–winning play, Street Scene (1928): “T’hell with all that hooey.” James M. Cain virtually defined it in The Postman Always Rings Twice (1934): “It’s just a lot of hooey that this guy thought up so that he could fool the judge.”
See also: lot, of
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • on one's
  • on someone's
  • (Have you) been OK?
  • lot of hooey, a
  • out of one's
  • (I've) got to go
  • save someone's skin
  • other than
  • other than (something)
  • pillow-biter
References in periodicals archive
This is the old supply-side hooey. In fact, over time the increased borrowing for unproductive tax cuts could depress growth by driving up interest rates.
Waterfowling is the ideal substitute for all this adult preschool hooey. Everything this preschool promises to give you can be found by hunting ducks.
WHETHER it is a blessing or a curse I'm not quite sure, but I seem to have a keen ear for what might be termed "corporate hooey".
Brent Hooey wrote: "Eli Gourdin should be reported to child services."
His net worth, his ownership stake in various enterprises, how much he was paid in speaking fees, even things he claimed other people did or said--all just hooey, and he acknowledged it and didn't seem to care.
The question is polarizing: Conventional doctors dismiss the power of the mind as New Age hooey, while alternative medicine advocates are quick to claim miracle cures for whatever ails you.
"I just think it's a bunch of hooey. All it takes is one person to get on the internet and say something," said Bud Sinclair, a retiree who sat drinking iced tea on the patio of a roadside restaurant along FM 1440 just outside of town.
She talks a lot of hooey about "being on a journey" to find herself.
This problem is expected to worsen as more people obtain health insurance," remarked National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) CEO Douglas Hooey.
* Meditation defined--by Chase Carey certified as a Reiki Master, Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner, and personal self-integration teacher who uses the stress domino to explore the anatomy of stress and the underlying fear bank--Demystify Meditation, take out all the "hooey" and "gobbledygook"--learn the benefits and 5 basic steps
In training, they would tell soldiers its bark was worse than its bite, but that was hooey. Its bite was horrendous, but they were trying to desensitize them to the gun.''
And in many cases, the real difference between the two lodging experiences is a matter of what the Americans call "hooey".
We may not survive" Mikhail Gorbachev, below, the former Soviet leader, says relations between Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin must improve "Don't hide your light under a bushel because there is no bushel big enough for you" Cookery writer and TV presenter Nigella Lawson on the BBC's Alan Yentob, whom she revealed is known as Alan Yumyum because he eats so much "A load of hooey" Dr James Mitchell, whose company was paid $81m to interrogate al-Qaida prisoners, describes the new Senate report of alleged torture of these prisoners WRITE Letters Editor Media Wales Ltd, Six Park Street, Cardiff CF10 1XR e-mail readers@walesonline.co.uk FAX 029 2024 4143 NOTE please include your name and address for publication and a daytime telephone number
As far as I'm concerned they ought to be decorated, not criticized." On the notion that the CIA was working out of bounds, Cheney stressed, "I think that's all a bunch of hooey. The program was authorized." In advance of the release of this report, the US military put thousands of troops on high alert to protect Americans and US facilities abraod.
@DAVIDJONESMP: Fully agree with @dailypostwales: the Irish Sea tunnel is hooey. Let's focus on upgrading the #NorthWales coast and Borderlands lines.