* None of the funds made available under this Act for assistance for Kosovo shall be made available for large scale physical infrastructure reconstruction.
* For the purposes of providing the Executive Branch with the necessary administrative flexibility, none of the funds made available under this Act for; inter alia, International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement, Economic Support Fund, Peacekeeping Operations, Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining, and Related Programs, Foreign Military Financing Program, and International Military Education and Training; shall be available for obligation for activities, programs countries, or other operations not justified or in excess of the amount justified to the Committees on Appropriations for obligation under any of those justified to the Committees are previously notified fifteen days in advance.
In the absence of a regular authorization act, "authorizing language" has been included with the annual foreign operations appropriations act for the fiscal years subsequent to 1987.
* The above ESF and FMFP authorized for FY2001 shall be disbursed not later than thirty days after the date of the enactment of the appropriations act for FY2001, or 31 October 2000, whichever is later.
This is addition to the transfer authority for the same two ships to Turkey provided by Section 1018(a)(9), National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000, P.L.
* Section 1403 directs a government-wide rescission [reduction] of .22 percent of the discretionary budget authority provided for FY2001 in this or any other act for each department, agency, instrumentality, or entity of the Federal Government, except for programs, projects, and activities specifically exempted.
* Section 3101(a) provides authority to DoD to use up to $45,000,000 of funding appropriated by this Act for the provision of support for counter-drug activities of the Government of Colombia.
Fiscal Year 2001 Security Assistance Legislation
On Friday, August 7, 1998, President Clinton signed into law the Workforce Investment Act, which includes the 1998 Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act (the Act) and reauthorizes that
Act for 5 years.
A Summary of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998
Nor is this simply a matter of moral rules and lawful commands like "do no harm" or "honor thy father and mother." These latter, after all, relate the personal
act for which I am responsible to collective activity--of the state, the law, the society, the church--in which I can remain safely anonymous.
Act and word; reflections on the humanist future
However, if the employee must be physically absent from time to time in order to receive treatment and is temporarily unable to perform the functions of his or her position during the time of the treatments, the employee is eligible for leave under the
Act for the time necessary to receive the required treatments.
Responsibilities under the Family and Medical Leave Act
Experts are cheering the SAFETY
Act for introducing several key tort reform provisions.
Protecting the protectors: a new federal law is designed to encourage businesses to produce anti-terrorism technology by limiting their potential liability
Even assuming that the directors proposed to replace the management nominees were covered by the Interlocks Act, the challenge sought to replace the entire board of directors and would not have violated the Interlocks
Act for the reasons discussed above.
Consider the implications of the fraud or illegal
act for other aspects of the audit.
What an auditor does when finding fraud or illegal acts
It may be a defense to a charge of discrimination under this
Act for an employer to show that an application of qualification standards, tests or selection criteria that tend to screen out or otherwise deny a job or benefit to a disabled individual is job related and consistent with business necessity.
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
This statement put open market operations under the same guiding princinple as that prescribed by the
act for the discount rate.
The establishment and evolution of the Federal Reserve Board: 1913-23