But although these plays were looked upon as an act of religion, they were not all solemn.
Each guild had its patron saint, and after a time the members of a guild began to act a play on their saint's day in his honor.
English Literature For Boys And Girls
Until the people have, by some solemn and authoritative act, annulled or changed the established form, it is binding upon themselves collectively, as well as individually; and no presumption, or even knowledge, of their sentiments, can warrant their representatives in a departure from it, prior to such an act.
Limitations of this kind can be preserved in practice no other way than through the medium of courts of justice, whose duty it must be to declare all acts contrary to the manifest tenor of the Constitution void.
Federalist Papers Authored by Alexander Hamilton
If we are to act, let it be in a theatre completely fitted up with pit, boxes, and gallery, and let us have a play entire from beginning to end; so as it be a German play, no matter what, with a good tricking, shifting afterpiece, and a figure-dance, and a hornpipe, and a song between the acts.
After a short pause, however, the subject still continued, and was discussed with unabated eagerness, every one's inclination increasing by the discussion, and a knowledge of the inclination of the rest; and though nothing was settled but that Tom Bertram would prefer a comedy, and his sisters and Henry Crawford a tragedy, and that nothing in the world could be easier than to find a piece which would please them all, the resolution to act something or other seemed so decided as to make Edmund quite uncomfortable.
Mansfield Park
From these two
acts, it appears, 1st, that the object of the convention was to establish, in these States, A FIRM NATIONAL GOVERNMENT; 2d, that this government was to be such as would be ADEQUATE TO THE EXIGENCIES OF GOVERNMENT and THE PRESERVATION OF THE UNION; 3d, that these purposes were to be effected by ALTERATIONS AND PROVISIONS IN THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION, as it is expressed in the
act of Congress, or by SUCH FURTHER PROVISIONS AS SHOULD APPEAR NECESSARY, as it stands in the recommendatory
act from Annapolis; 4th, that the alterations and provisions were to be reported to Congress, and to the States, in order to be agreed to by the former and confirmed by the latter.
Federalist Papers Authored by James Madison
Besides, I don't suppose you will want your wife to
act, so what does it matter if she plays Juliet like a wooden doll?
Picture Of Dorian Gray
In the remainder of the present lecture I shall state in outline the view which I advocate, and show how various other views out of which mine has grown result from modifications of the threefold analysis into
act, content and object.
The Analysis of Mind
"And the highest, finest, right conduct," I interjected, "is that
act which benefits at the same time the man, his children, and his race."
The Sea Wolf
And all that for the most foolish reason, which, one would think, was hardly worth mentioning: that is, that man everywhere and at all times, whoever he may be, has preferred to
act as he chose and not in the least as his reason and advantage dictated.
Notes from the Underground
"You are right, Laurence," said Grandfather, "and it was really amazing and terrible to see what a change came over the aspect of the people the moment the English Parliament had passed this oppressive
act. The former history of our chair, my children, has given you some idea of what a harsh, unyielding, stern set of men the old Puritans were.
Grandfathers Chair
Before I open the First
Act, I must announce, injustice to myself, that this Play is entirely the work of my own invention.
The Haunted Hotel
Before the beginning of the second
act Pierre appeared in the stalls.
War and Peace
They were disputing, as far as he could make out, as to the interpretation to be put on the
act and the exact meaning of the words: "liable to be called up for trial."
Anna Karenina