And, when we asked for sauces, they came in simplypresented mini dishes - meaning there would no chance of finding one of those dreaded
gungy sauce bottle tops on these premises.
Quality has me feeling chipper
"It's going to be loud, it's going to be
gungy and best of all, you get to be a part of the action."
Still, when the sky is that sparkling blue that only winter can produce, what does it matter if what should be green underfoot has turned an uninviting shade of
gungy brown, the sort of stuff you just know cakes beautifully.
Deep in conversation in the middle of the park
So-called because the middle ear and Eustachian tube fills up with a
gungy, glue-like fluid.
Earlier, we briefly revisited the mysterious Frenchman (Lambert Wilson) and his bosomy sidekick Persephone (Monica Bellucci), and made the acquaintance of the
gungy Trainman (Bruce Spence).
Constant driving has compressed this
gungy mess so that, at the first slight fall of rain, the water stays on the surface and helps to create perfect aqua-planing conditions.
Stay on track to avoid a slip-up
During the show, visitors will have the chance to grapple with the gloop in a slime race or take part in a number of
gungy experiments.
Slime a runaway success
The resultant
gungy mixure is then used as ground bait while they float fish various other normal baits.
Power bait Fitty for a great loch
Trim the chicken livers to remove any fat, sinew or
gungy bits in general.
XS FOOD & WINE; Go posh with PARFAIT
Get dirty with your favourite Trashies, to create gloopy,
gungy and grimy Science Experiments galore, in Trash Pack Science (SSP PS14.99).
WIN John AdamsTrash Pack Games and kits... Chipper Club
And, despite the relatively low level of traffic loading up plates tonight, there's certainly no visible sign -
gungy, separated curry, curled-up naans - of stuff having sat around.
Case of the chatty waiter
Made from a special anti-allergic fibre an exfoliating mitt is a hassle-free alternative to
gungy, exfoliator creams.
What's hot, what's not..
This recipe produces the perfect chocolate cake, spongy at the edge and
gungy in the middle.
Food & Drink: Year-round treats for chocolate lovers
The cream is very thick, almost
gungy, so you have to be careful not to use too much.
Style Counsel: SEVEN WONDERS; 'Miracles' of beauty world put to the test
Goodness knows how many bits of old hanky,
gungy half packets of Polos and leaky biros lurk at the bottom of Camilla's bag.
Give kissagrams a great big kiss-off!