With the help of a physical therapist, Paul gradually overcame fears of breathing on his own and learned to
gulp for air -- "kind of like a fish," he says.
Iron will, not just lung
'I'm ready for all of this though, Noah,' she's telling me, as I
gulp for air before it's back under for another freedive through the world according to Alys.
The pressure is relentless, it does not stop, every time you
gulp for air another 1,000 litres of water comes straight at you and yet you have to learn how to drink just to give you the space to breathe," he says.
Friends in high places
On stage, far removed from one-to-one engagements, Williams ambles and drawls through songs - hits even, such as Good Ole Boys Like Me, Amanda, Tulsa Time, and a string of others that have won the 63-year-old regiments of fans who can even
gulp for air along with their Stetsonclad hero if needs be.
Arts: Languid appeal of the likeable Mr Williams; has a transatlantic chat with a country star whose gentle style appeals across the continents
She seemed to
gulp for air at one point and open her mouth to speak, but no sound was heard and she simply nodded her agreement as Mr Chapman spoke of the support they had received from police and the community.
As the skies exploded over Sydney, filling the night with colour and detonating another dance till dawn, the 2004 incumbents Greece were already beginning to
gulp for air.
Olympic Games: Diary - GOOD ON YA SPORT