

slang Someone who sniffs glue to produce a high. Yeah, I was a gluey before I started using harder stuff.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


and gluer
n. a person, usually a teenager, who sniffs glue. (Drugs.) Teddy is a gluey. That’s why he’s failing in school.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • gluer
  • on one's
  • on someone's
  • run someone out of town
  • save someone's skin
  • (Have you) been OK?
  • pillow-biter
  • do someone or something justice
  • out of one's
  • (I've) got to go
References in periodicals archive
Trainer Paul Cole said: 'He didn't like the gluey ground.'
At the 6th International Symposium on Aphids in Rennes, France, last year, the research team described Asian aphids that repair rips in their galls with a gluey substance that comes out of their bodies.
Of course, Kafka knew this, and labors to make us feel the gluey agony of Gregor Samsa's transformation from man into beetle.
James Doyle yesterday reported the ground to be "dead" and Dane O'Neill used the word "gluey", but Jamie Spencer predicted racing this afternoon could take place on ground not far off good if the weather is helpful.
gluey lips, making of his body a flower-dappled tree while above him the
Martin Cade, of the Portland Bird Observatory, said: "This is a horrible, gluey substance they are just plastered in.
Once he was level with the leader, though, with a furlong to go, he disdainfully stretched his legs and, although clearly disliking the gluey, tiring ground, won comfortably.
I'll have someone walk the track tomorrow and if it's going to be gluey, Noir Et Vert wouldn't run.
Muddy it might have been, with four raiders from the mighty Aidan O'Brien team disappearing into the gluey turf, but winning trainer Peter Chapple-Hyam expects to win even bigger races with his surprise packet.
Owned by Khalid Abdullah, the John Gosden-trained colt handled the gluey conditions best in the Group Three contest and always had his rivals covered under Richard Hughes.
That leads to silica-rich magma that's gluey. The stickiness traps gases in the rising magma.
I think he's fit enough to do himself justice, so long as it's not too gluey."
If the ground is loose he'll run, but if it's gluey he won't.
"Pat (Eddery) said that bottom bend was very gluey, very sticky.