glory hole

glory hole

vulgar slang A hole in a bathroom stall through which anonymous sexual acts take place.
See also: glory, hole
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • be in a hole
  • hole out
  • pocket
  • punch a hole in
  • punch a hole in (something)
  • hole in one
  • dig in
  • dig in(to) (something)
  • dig into
References in periodicals archive
The function which passes 400 years since its implementation but it is still effective and as we observe in new dam construction this technology which was used at that time is also used as glory holes.
"My friends talked me into some funny stuff to remove my inhibitions on the first time visit," wrote one, who apparently got very high or very comfortable, because later "I must have sucked about 30 guys through the glory hole." Another explained, "I consider myself straight but curious ...
A large stainless steel marver is located between the glory hole and the forming bench.
For anyone used to seeing this sculpture in Antwerp's open-air Middelheim Museum, its presentation in "Glory Hole"--in a dark box with light very narrowly focused on the naked bronze male body--seemed to reveal something previously unseen.
He has created a new glory hole - a furnace used as part of the glassmaking operation - which drastically reduces the energy costs involved and it is in operation in his garage.
Put that ball away in the spench." This was the glory hole under the stairs.
You see, like many men of his generation, he had a glory hole of a garage, filled to the rafters with treasured pieces of wood and all his tools, in pristine condition, racked in perfect order.
Chris Jenkins, who has been with Aurora Glass for nine years, held the audience spellbound as he blew a molten glob of liquid glass into a vase-like shape, returning it repeatedly into the circular entrance to the 2,300-degree furnace glassblowers call the "glory hole" and then rolling and rerolling it on a metal surface, applying calipers and heavy shears until it took on the shape, color and pattern he wanted.
Later that night, I ran into him in the "Glory Hole Room"--or rather he drove his point home to his core audience.
While the 16th was a glory hole for Goosen it proved an embarrassment for England's Ian Poulter.
As we rolled like a golf ball on par into the Glory Hole Recreation Area in California's Gold Country, we drooled over the welcoming blue blast of New Melones Lake and sized up assorted houseboats in the marina, each with its own affectionately bestowed moniker like the saccharine "Polly" or more menacing "Gangway," and variously bedecked with slides, multiple floors, hot tubs and canopies.
but not before we got about a THOUSAND people through the glory hole.
It used to be a glory hole when my kids were at home, full of school bags and coats, other people's kids and disarray and I used to think how nice it would be to one day have it as I wanted, clutter-free and quiet.
"I always remember an incident where we were trapped in the 'glory hole', under the stairs.
After quarrying, the primary crushed material is fed into a glory hole (vertical shaft) of 3.3 m diameter with a drop of |greater than~300m sunk through the centre of the hill to a horizontal conveyor system which transports if through a 1.8 km tunnel to the secondary crushing plant at the dockside.