genetic modification

genetic modification

The act of altering the DNA of an organism. Genetic modification of fruits and vegetables is a controversial practice.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • on one's
  • on someone's
  • out of one's
  • (I've) got to go
  • save someone's skin
  • (Have you) been OK?
  • golden shower
  • other than
  • other than (something)
  • pillow-biter
References in periodicals archive
A second risk is that the genetic modifications may drift from one mosquito species to others.
In Part II, we provide context on genetic modification, why sports
Nusrat Jahan said that the genetic modification of mosquito was only possible solution to completely eradicate dengue from Pakistan and the university researchers were working day and night on the control of dengue vector.
Genetic research imposes a heavy welfare burden as many animals who do not show 'required' characteristics are killed even before any research can take place, while others die of severe and unrelated malformations caused by the genetic modification techniques themselves.
Genetic modification: reaching the parts other plant breeding methods can't reach.
seems relatively laid back about genetic modification, European consumers might almost be called paranoid.
However, Ian Morris is wrong to describe this as the birth of genetic modification and it is bad, tendentious science to equate the two.
New to the 3d edition of this well-illustrated text are four brief essays on human's relation to food, the possible impact of global warming on food supply, genetic modification of food, and the remarkable details to be seen with a scanning electron microscope.
Then again, after genetic modification, chickens might have four legs and be able to run so fast no-one would be able to catch them.
The new Hydrogen Harvester uses little or no external energy inputs, requires no sulfur deprivation or other "stressing" of the algae and no genetic modification and the process employs viable, high growth rate, high oil content algae strains.
The European Commission which tightly regulates biotech crops, has ordered that all Chinese rice products be tested for genetic modification before they can be imported.
Dr Harrison's company already use genetics to advise matings and monitor levels of inbreeding, but he said genetic modification was not something that would ever be applied to racehorses.
ISLAMABAD, 07 May , 2009 (Balochistan Times) -- Agriculture experts at a conference stressed the need for genetic modification of crops to ensure sustainable fertility of the soil and increased crop yields besides overcoming the problems of water shortage.
Genetic modification does not work, and has come close to driving family farms completely out of business.
Chance said the fact it was produced without genetic modification meant it can be marketed around the world.