Generation X

Related to Generation X: Generation Z, Generations

Gen X

An abbreviation of "Generation X," a nickname for the generation of people born roughly between 1965 and 1980, between baby boomers and millennials. The name comes from the title of Douglas Coupland's 1991 novel Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture. I know it's hard for you to fathom growing up without the Internet, but that's what we members of Gen X did.
See also: Gen

Generation X

A nickname for the generation of people born roughly between 1965 and 1980, between baby boomers and millennials. The name comes from the title of Douglas Coupland's 1991 novel Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture. I know it's hard for you to fathom, but all of us in Generation X had to grow up without the Internet.
See also: generation
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

Generation X

 and Generation X'er
people reaching puberty during the 1970s and 1980s. Three or four generation X'ers were in the antique store looking eagerly at some of those horrible old dinette chairs from the 1950s.
See also: generation
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • Gen X
  • Gen Xer
  • Generation Xer
  • er
  • Xer
  • millennial
  • xennial
  • Thatcher's children
  • millennial pink
  • bo
References in periodicals archive
Therefore, social media needs to be a part of any strategy for connecting with Generation X consumers.
Ads targeting Generation X should showcase family entertainment, independence, and escapism.
Also, whenever you're dealing with Generation X, being accessible is the key, whether it's in marketing, customer support, or sales.
The United States saw a significant drop in the number of births through the mid-1960s and 1970s, but a steady flow of immigrants helped pad Generation X's numbers.
Q: The Census Bureau does say that your generation is working less than Generation X did when it was your age.
What are the characteristics of the Generation X student?
Understanding these basic Generation X learning characteristics, some suggestions for teaching and training can be formulated.
Other concepts that can enhance the learning and work-related abilities of Generation X are outlined by Kalata[3] and Losyk.[7,14] Kalata suggests that assignments should reflect the skills needed in the real world regardless of occupation.
Table 1 identifies learning characteristics of Generation X. Table 2 suggests some instructional methods that may be effective.
THE SETUP To understand how Generation X is spending whatever money it has, it's crucial to get a sense of the forces that shaped it, and not dismiss it with the S-word--slacker--it's so often tagged with.
Age is not at the core of Generation X's self-perception--something important to realize if we're to understand how Xers spend their money.
It affects how we view money and spending," says Gen Xpert Lisa Chamberlain, author of Slackonomics: Generation X in the Age of Creative Destruction.
"We will continue in this cable TV vein as well as go direct to what used be called the youth market, now called Generation X, through the new commercials," said ad company vice president and creative director James Barr, who noted studies show that building brand loyalty in that group, which has a disposable income of $125 billion, pays off in the long run.
It is clear, according to Barr, that Generation X is evolving into a viable group of consumers, as diverse as any other group.
According to the findings, Generation X's interest in cellular communications is motivated by desire for convenience and safety; cost is clearly the largest barrier.