Copies of We
Gather Together may be purchased by sending $5.00 plus $1.00 for shipping and handling to: H.
In the solar model, the ices that form in the interstellar cloud don't initially
gather together but turn to vapor as they become part of the disk of gas and dust around the young sun.
Bright comet poses puzzles: Hyakutake's tails of mystery
CHURCHES from across the Lichfield Diocese will
gather together next year for a major conference.
Local News Extra: Churches gather for conference; LICHFIELD
If the one Spirit dwells in us, the one God and Father of all will be in us, and He, through His Son, will
gather together into unity with one another and with Himself all who share in the Spirit.
Saint Cyril of Alexandria
LAST JUNE'S Youth Forum on Ethical Leadership saw more than 40 students from across the UK and beyond
gather together at the University of London.
Young people make tomorrow their business
Typically they
gather together a group of individuals whose function is to represent, interpret, pretend, or act.
Joao Onofre: Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea
Alison Jolly has described "stink fights" in which a number of animals
gather together on the ground with their tails raised and "throw" odors at each other by moving around and waving their tales back and forth over their heads."
Rogers, Lesley J. & Kaplan, Gisela. Songs, roars, and rituals; communication in birds, mammals, and other animals
Youngsters are being encouraged to
gather together to hear tales of bygone days from servants at the 17th Century house.
Fireside tales
We need, instead, to
gather together to promote opportunities," said Lenore Janis, president of Professional Women in Construction at the organization's eleventh annual event, which was held on Nov.
PWC holds annual trade fair Nov. 13. (Transcripts)
Through ...": (1) Address God with a title or attribute that comes from your experience; (2) list what God has done and shown through the experience; (3) add your own petitions and/or gratitude; and finally, (4) "gather your prayers together and offer them, as always, through Christ." As in: (1) "Loving God, (2) unto whom all hearts are open and all desires known, (3) please guide our hearts as we
gather together on this dark winter night, (5) through Christ our Lord.
spirituality cafe
gather together 10 kilograms of false vacuum, then let physics do the rest."
Cosmological inflation: a budding universe
Those interested in joining are asked to
gather together groups of four family, friends or colleagues to form a team, raise pounds 200 in sponsorship and pay pounds 40 in registration.
Treasure hunt; CANNON HILL PARK
Mary's School gym, Bathurst St., Toronto, dozens of chattering, nervous little girls in long white cotton gowns with blue sashes
gather together with a smattering of boys in varied costumes.
Winning young hearts for Jesus through Mary: rosary apostolate in the schools