have a fix
have a fix
To acquire a required or necessary amount of something, especially that which one is addicted to or compulsively seeks. When I was a junkie, I would do just about anything in order to have a fix. I just can't get my day going until I have a fix of caffeine.
See also: fix, have
have a fix on (something)
To have a firm, clear understanding or determination of something. I hope everyone has a fix on the material, as you'll be tested on it next week. I thought I had a pretty good fix on English idioms, but I don't understand this one at all!
See also: fix, have, on
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
- get (one's) fix (of something)
- get a fix
- get a fix (of something)
- have a fix of (something)
- have a fix on (something)
- need a fix
- need a fix of (something)
- give (one) a fix
- give (one) a fix of (something)
- get a gift of (something)