We provided a Twitter wall and a place to
collect thoughts on post-it notes.
Leverage Points 2019: a transdisciplinary conference, inspiring change
The "QAnon" followers seek to
collect thoughts and theories to reveal more of the untold events they believe in.
What is 'QAnon'? The Growing Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theory on Mueller and a DC 'Pedophile Wing'
The care foundation also initiated a project titled 'Namibian Men Stand Up' (NAMSU) which was launched earlier this year and aims to
collect thoughts and possible solution ideas from all members of the society, across the nation, especially, the men regarding ways and systems to be implemented, in order to reduce and possibly prevent the social epidemics, such as passion killing, baby dumping and gender violences, that affect the nation.
Tnamrock, making a difference
I continue to
collect thoughts and perspectives on leadership because I am constantly assessing attributes that I have or need to have to be better as a leader and in my job, Also, I believe an inspiring comment or some words of wisdom every now and then help us move forward in our leadership development.
On being a better leader
It was essential that the support met the needs of the community, and officers from the city council met with traders, businesses and residents to
collect thoughts and ideas on a wide range of issues, from safety and security to litter and cleaning services.
Balti Triangle back in business
collect thoughts. Each participant then writes down his or her response to--or thoughts about--the situation.
Bringing structure to discussions: a structured discussion process can help you make better decisions
As well as Up and Under, the centre is also home to Two Minute Silence, a project funded by the Museums, Libraries Archives Council (MLA) to
collect thoughts and memories about war and peace, to mark next year's (2009) 90th anniversary of the Remembrance Day two-minute silence.
New history centre scores a UK first
Over the next three weeks Ira's assistant, Eddie Galvin, will be working with community groups, residents' associations, young people and elderly residents to
collect thoughts and ideas.
Townsfolk can put poetry in motion
Welcomes helps communities
collect thoughts, ideas and experiences of being welcome and unwelcome, aspiring to redesign unwelcome experiences.
Wouldn't it be great if..
We also tried to
collect thoughts on how long it could last--and what future forces could emerge to hamper the movement.
Editor's page
Part of keeping a journal is learning to
collect thoughts in one, easy-to-locate place.
Journal keeping - a key to learning