

A person who is no longer admired, famous, or popular. The young actor constantly sought media attention because he feared becoming a has-been too early in his career. You're not even a has-been, you're a never-was!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


see under have.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
  • (Has the) cat got your tongue?
  • (have done) more (something) than (one) has had hot dinners
  • (have) got a thing going (with someone)
  • (have) got it going on
  • (have) got something going (with someone)
  • (it's been) nice talking to you
  • (one's) goose is cooked
  • (one's) ship has sailed
  • (one's) sun has set
  • (one) (has) never had it so good
  • (one) (has) never heard (of) such a thing
  • (one) has a bright future ahead (of one)
  • (one) has a point (there)
  • (one) has got to be pushing off
  • (one) has got to be shoving off
  • (one) has got to push off
  • (one) has got to shove off
  • (one) has made (one's) bed
  • (one) has made (one's) bed and (one) will have to lie in it
  • (one) has no problem with that
  • (one) has to be pushing off
  • (one) has to be shoving off
  • (one) has to draw a/the line somewhere
  • (one) has to push off
  • (one) has to run along
  • (one) has to shove off
  • (one) made (one's) bed and (one) has to lie in it
  • (one) made (one's) bed and (one) must lie in it
  • (one) only has one pair of hands
  • (one) still has (one's) communion money
  • (someone's or something's) time has come
  • (someone) has nine lives
  • (you/it's) got me beat
  • A growing youth has a wolf in his belly
  • Cat got your tongue?
  • Elvis has left the building
  • Every Jack has his Jill
  • Every cloud has a silver lining
  • Every man has his price
  • Happy is the country which has no history
  • Hell has no fury like a (certain type of person) scorned
  • It has name on it
  • It is a long lane that has no turning
  • One has to draw the line somewhere
  • Shut the stable door after the horse has bolted
  • Them as has, gits
  • What became of (someone or something)?
  • What has (someone) done with (something)?
  • What has become of (someone or something)?
  • What's got(ten) into (someone)?
  • What's that got to do with the price of cheese?
  • What's that got to do with the price of eggs?
  • What's that got to do with the price of fish?
  • What's that got to do with the price of meat?
  • What's that got to do with the price of tea in China?
  • a cat has nine lives
  • a hungry belly has no ears
  • a lie has no legs
  • a man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client
  • after the dust has settled
  • an attorney who represents himself has a fool for a client
  • be a rough trot
  • be in a blue funk
  • be knocked out of the box
  • be nothing to do with (someone or something)
  • be of sound mind
  • be of unsound mind
  • be off the rails
  • be off to a false start
  • be off-kilter
  • be on (one's) high horse
  • be on (one's) last legs
  • be on (the) air
  • be on acid
  • be out of kilter
  • be under (one's) wing
  • be/have to do with somebody/something
  • big moment
  • bird has flown, the
  • boldly go where no man has gone before
  • boldly go where no one has gone before
  • burn (one's)/the candle at both ends
  • cat got your tongue, has the
  • cat has nine lives
  • chomp at the bit
  • climb on the bandwagon
  • close the barn door after the horse has bolted
  • close the stable door after the horse has bolted
  • closing the stable door after the horse has bolted
  • come (in) over the transom
  • come aboard
  • come up in the world
  • cross (somebody has) to carry
  • draw a line
  • eat high on the hog
  • every Jack has his Jill
  • every cloud has a silver lining
  • every dark cloud has a silver lining
  • every dog has his day
  • every dog has his/its day
  • every dog has its day
  • every flow has its ebb
  • every man has his price
  • every man/everyone has his price
  • every path has a/its puddle
  • every silver lining has a cloud
  • everyone has their price
  • feel as if a cat has kittened in (one's) mouth
  • get PO'd
  • get kicked to the curb
  • get knocked out cold
  • get off to a false start
  • get off-kilter
  • get on the bandwagon
  • get on the horn
  • get out of kilter
  • get pissed off
  • get played like a fiddle
  • get the better of (someone or something)
  • go and (do something)
  • go off-kilter
  • go on the sick list
  • go out of kilter
  • go up in the world
  • got it bad
  • grit (one's) teeth
  • growing youth has a wolf in his belly
  • had its day, has
  • happy is the country which has no history
  • hardly have time to breathe
  • hardly have time to think
  • has
  • has come and gone
  • has got game
  • has had its chips
  • has more bark than bite
  • has more money than God
  • has the cat got your tongue?
  • has the world by the tail
  • has-been
  • have (a lot) of bottle
  • have (a) bad press
  • have (a) good press
  • have (a) method in (one's) madness
  • have (a) method to (one's) madness
  • have (a) use for (someone or something)
  • have (all) the cards
  • have (an amount of) plates spinning
  • have (got) (one's) nose out of joint
  • have (got) (one's) number
  • have (got) (something) cinched
  • have (got) a glow on
  • have (got) a load on
  • have (got) a short fuse
  • have (got) a skinful
  • have (got) a tiger by the tail
  • have (got) good vibes (about someone or something)
  • have (got) it all over
  • have (got) it made in the shade
  • have (got) it over (someone or something)
  • have (got) it over (someone or something) in (something)
  • have (got) the hots
  • have (got) to (do something)
  • have (high) hopes of (something)
  • have (one's) (own) way
  • have (one's) act together
  • have (one's) back to the wall
  • have (one's) back up
  • have (one's) collar felt
  • have (one's) collar touched
  • have (one's) day in court
  • have (one's) end away
  • have (one's) eye
  • have (one's) eyes glued to (something)
  • have (one's) feet on the ground
  • have (one's) fill (of something)
  • have (one's) finger on the pulse
  • have (one's) fingers burned
  • have (one's) foot on (someone's) neck
  • have (one's) head (stuck) up (one's) arse
  • have (one's) head in the sand
  • have (one's) head up (one's) ass
  • have (one's) heart in (something)
  • have (one's) heart in the right place
  • have (one's) heart on (one's) sleeve
  • have (one's) mind on (something)
  • have (one's) name on it
  • have (one's) name taken
  • have (one's) name written all over it
  • have (one's) nose in a book
  • have (one's) nose in a magazine
  • have (one's) nose in the air
  • have (one's) plate full
  • have (one's) say
  • have (one's) shoulder to the wheel
  • have (one's) thinking cap on
  • have (one's)/the facts straight
  • have (one) bang to rights
  • have (one) by the balls
  • have (one) by the short and curlies
  • have (one) in (for something)
  • have (one) in fits
  • have (one) in stitches
  • have (one) on a short leash
  • have (one) up
  • have (sexual) relations (with someone)
  • have (some) time to kill
  • have (some/any) qualms about (something or someone)
  • have (someone or something's) uses
  • have (someone or something) by the tail
  • have (someone or something) in (one's) sights
  • have (someone or something) on the brain
  • have (someone's or something's) uses
  • have (someone's) number on it
  • have (someone) eating out of the palm of (one's) hand
  • have (someone) in (one's) pocket
  • have (someone) in (one's) spell
  • have (someone) on a tight leash
  • have (someone) under (one's) spell
  • have (someone) under (one's) wing
  • have (something) at heart
  • have (something) cinched
  • have (something) coming
  • have (something) doing
  • have (something) down to a T
  • have (something) down to a fine art
  • have (something) down to a science
  • have (something) in (one's) hands
  • have (something) in hand
  • have (something) in perspective
  • have (something) in stock
  • have (something) in store (for one)
  • have (something) made
  • have (something) off pat
  • have (something) off to a fine art
  • have (something) on
  • have (something) on file
  • have (something) on the brain
  • have (something) on the go
  • have (something) out
  • have (something) to (one's) credit
  • have (something) to burn
  • have (something) to go
  • have (something) to offer
  • have (something) to play with
  • have (something) well in hand
  • have (the) first crack at (something)
  • have (the) golden touch
  • have (the) time
  • have Buckley's (chance)
  • have a (good) sniff around
  • have a (heavy) cross to bear
  • have a (sudden) rush of blood to the head
  • have a 20 on (someone)
  • have a C-note
  • have a Captain Cook
  • have a Technicolor yawn
  • have a bad attitude
  • have a bad effect (on someone or something)
  • have a bad hair day
  • have a bad night
  • have a bad opinion of (someone or something)
  • have a ball
  • have a bash at (something)
  • have a bear by the tail
  • have a bee in (one's) bonnet
  • have a beef with (someone or something)
  • have a big mouth
  • have a bird
  • have a bite
  • have a blond moment
  • have a blowout
  • have a blue fit
  • have a bone on
  • have a bone to pick (with one)
  • have a brick in (one's) hat
  • have a broad back
  • have a brush with (something)
  • have a bumpy ride
  • have a bun in the oven
  • have a burr under (one's) saddle
  • have a butcher's
  • have a buzz on
  • have a cadenza
  • have a case (against someone or something)
  • have a case on (someone)
  • have a change of heart
  • have a charley horse
  • have a charmed life
  • have a chip on (one's) shoulder
  • have a clean conscience
  • have a clear conscience
  • have a clear head
  • have a close call
  • have a close shave
  • have a cob on
  • have a conniption
  • have a conniption fit
  • have a corncob up (one's) ass
  • have a corncob up (one's) butt
  • have a couple
  • have a crush on (someone)
  • have a death wish
  • have a dig at (someone or something)
  • have a dirt nap
  • have a dog in the fight
  • have a dog in this fight
  • have a dog in this hunt
  • have a dog's chance
  • have a downer on (one)
  • have a drinking problem
  • have a fable for (something)
  • have a face like a wet weekend
  • have a face like thunder
  • have a falling out
  • have a familiar ring
  • have a fat head
  • have a feel for (something)
  • have a few
  • have a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock
  • have a few loose marbles
  • have a few too many
  • have a fighting chance
  • have a finger in the pie
  • have a firm grip on (someone or something)
  • have a fit
  • have a fix
  • have a fix of (something)
  • have a flair for (something)
  • have a foot in both camps
  • have a foothold
  • have a foothold in (something)
  • have a free hand
  • have a fresh start
  • have a gander
  • have a gander (at someone or something)
  • have a gift for (doing something)
  • have a gift for gab
  • have a glass jaw
  • have a go (at someone or something)
  • have a good arm
  • have a good command of (something)
  • have a good head on (one's) shoulders
  • have a good mind
  • have a good mind to (do something)
  • have a good night
  • have a good opinion of (someone or something)
  • have a good pair of lungs
  • have a good run
  • have a good thing going
  • have a good time
  • have a green thumb
  • have a grip on (something)
  • have a grudge (against one)
  • have a hand for (someone or something)
  • have a hand like a foot
  • have a hankering for (something)
  • have a hard head
  • have a hard time
  • have a hard time with (someone or something)
  • have a hard-on
  • have a hard-on for (someone or something)
  • have a head for (something)
  • have a head for figures
  • have a head for heights
  • have a head start
  • have a heart attack
  • have a heart of glass
  • have a heart of gold
  • have a heart of stone
  • have a heart-to-heart (talk)
  • have a heavy foot
  • have a heavy heart
  • have a hidden talent
  • have a hide like a rhinoceros
  • have a high old time
  • have a high opinion of (someone or something)
  • have a hollow leg
  • have a hunch (about someone or something)
  • have a jab at (someone or something)
  • have a jag on
  • have a job
  • have a jones for (something)
  • have a keen interest in (something)
  • have a kick to it/them
  • have a knee-trembler
  • have a knees-up
  • have a lash at (something)
  • have a late night
  • have a lead foot
  • have a leak
  • have a lick of the tar brush
  • have a light bulb go off (in (one's) head)
  • have a light bulb go off in (one's) brain
  • have a light bulb go on (in (one's) head)
  • have a light bulb go on in (one's) brain
  • have a light heart
  • have a light-bulb moment
  • have a line on (someone or something)
  • have a little visitor
  • have a lock on (someone or something)
  • have a long face
  • have a long memory
  • have a long way to go
  • have a look (at someone or something)
  • have a loose screw
  • have a loose tongue
  • have a lot of irons in the fire
  • have a lot of promise
  • have a lot on
  • have a lot on the ball
  • have a lot to answer for
  • have a loud mouth
  • have a low boiling point
  • have a low opinion of (someone or something)
  • have a lump in (one's) throat
  • have a makeover
  • have a meltdown
  • have a memory like a sieve
  • have a memory like an elephant
  • have a mind as sharp as a steel trap
  • have a mind like a sieve
  • have a mind like a steel trap
  • have a mind of (one's)/its own
  • have a mind of its own
  • have a mind to (do something)
  • have a monkey on (one's) back
  • have a monopoly on (something)
  • have a moonflaw in the brain
  • have a near miss
  • have a nodding acquaintance (with someone or something)
  • have a nose (round)
  • have a one-track mind
  • have a package on
  • have a panic attack
  • have a part in (something)
  • have a part to play
  • have a passion for (something)
  • have a penchant for (something)
  • have a pick-me-up
  • have a pink fit
  • have a place in (something)
  • have a poke around
  • have a poker up (one's) arse
  • have a poker up (one's) ass
  • have a poker up (one's) butt
  • have a prayer
  • have a price on (one's) head
  • have a purple patch
  • have a rare old time
  • have a ring to it
  • have a ringside seat
  • have a ringside view
  • have a role in (something)
  • have a rough idea about (something)
  • have a rough idea of (something)
  • have a rough ride
  • have a rough time (of it)
  • have a rough trot
  • have a roving eye
  • have a run of (something)
  • have a run-in
  • have a say (in something)
  • have a score to settle
  • have a scrape with (one)
  • have a screw loose
  • have a seat
  • have a senior moment
  • have a set-to (with someone or something)
  • have a sharp tongue
  • have a shit-fit
  • have a shower
  • have a shufti
  • have a shy at (something)
  • have a silver tongue
  • have a skin like a rhinoceros
  • have a smack at (something)
  • have a soft spot for (someone or something)
  • have a spaz
  • have a spill
  • have a spring in (one's) step
  • have a stab at (doing something)
  • have a stake in (something)
  • have a stroke
  • have a strong stomach
  • have a sweet tooth
  • have a swelled head
  • have a swollen head
  • have a taste for (something)
  • have a thick head
  • have a thick skin
  • have a thick skull
  • have a thin skin
  • have a thin time (of it)
  • have a thing
  • have a thing about (someone or something)
  • have a thing for (something)
  • have a thing going (with someone)
  • have a thirst for (something)
  • have a tight grip on (someone or something)
  • have a tight rein on (someone or something)
  • have a time of it
  • have a tin ear
  • have a touch of class
  • have a touch of the tar brush
  • have a tough time (of it)
  • have a trick up (one's) sleeve
  • have a vested interest (in something)
  • have a voice (in something)
  • have a way of (doing something)
  • have a way with (someone or something)
  • have a way with somebody/something
  • have a way with words
  • have a weakness for (someone or something)
  • have a weight problem
  • have a whale of a (good) time
  • have a wild hair to (do something)
  • have a wild hair up (one's) ass
  • have a wolf by the ears
  • have a working knowledge of (something)
  • have a worm in (one's) tongue
  • have a yellow belly
  • have a/(one's) finger in every pie
  • have a/(one's) finger on the button
  • have a/(one's) foot in the door
  • have a/some nerve
  • have a/the feel of (something)
  • have all (one's) buttons
  • have all (one's) marbles
  • have all the aces
  • have all the answers
  • have all the hallmarks of (someone or something)
  • have an ace in the hole
  • have an ace/a trick up your sleeve
  • have an axe to grind
  • have an early night
  • have an easy ride
  • have an easy time of it
  • have an edge on
  • have an edge on (someone or something)
  • have an even chance of (doing something)
  • have an eye for (something)
  • have an eye on/for/to the main chance
  • have an impact on (someone or something)
  • have an itch for (something)
  • have an open mind
  • have an out
  • have an ox on the tongue
  • have an/(one's) ear close to the ground
  • have an/(one's) ear to the ground
  • have another guess coming
  • have another thing coming
  • have another think coming
  • have ants in the/(one's) pants
  • have anything on
  • have bats in (one's) belfry
  • have bats in the belfry
  • have been around
  • have been around the block
  • have been around the block a few times
  • have been there
  • have been there before
  • have been to the wars
  • have big ears
  • have bigger fish to fry
  • have blinders on
  • have both feet on the ground
  • have both oars in the water
  • have bought it
  • have broad shoulders
  • have clay feet
  • have clean hands
  • have cold feet
  • have come a long way
  • have deep pockets
  • have designs on (someone or something)
  • have dibs on (something)
  • have enough on (one's) plate
  • have enough sense to pound salt
  • have enough sense to pound sand
  • have eyes for (someone or something)
  • have eyes like a hawk
  • have eyes like saucers
  • have feet of clay
  • have first call on (something)
  • have friends in high places
  • have fun and games
  • have good antennae
  • have got it bad
  • have got it in for (someone)
  • have got nothing on (someone or something)
  • have gray hair
  • have green fingers
  • have grown whiskers
  • have had (one's) chips
  • have had a basinful (of something)
  • have had a good innings
  • have had enough
  • have had it
  • have had its/(one's) day
  • have had more than (one's) fair share of (something)
  • have had one too many
  • have had the Richard
  • have had the biscuit
  • have had the pleasure
  • have had the radish
  • have had your/its day
  • have half a mind to (do something)
  • have heart failure
  • have hollow legs
  • have hysterics
  • have in mind
  • have it
  • have it all over (someone)
  • have it away
  • have it away (with someone)
  • have it both ways
  • have it going on
  • have it in for (someone)
  • have it knocked
  • have it made
  • have it off (with someone)
  • have it on good authority
  • have it out (with someone)
  • have it out for (someone)
  • have it that (something)
  • have it/that coming
  • have itchy feet
  • have itchy fingers
  • have its/(one's) moments
  • have jam on it
  • have kangaroos in (one's)/the top paddock
  • have kissed the Blarney Stone
  • have kittens
  • have known better days
  • have lead in (one's) pants
  • have legs
  • have many irons in the fire
  • have many strings to (one's) bow
  • have mixed feelings (about something)
  • have money to burn
  • have more chins than a Chinese phone book
  • have more holes than Swiss cheese
  • have more money than sense
  • have more than one string to (one's) bow
  • have nerves of steel
  • have never looked back
  • have nine lives
  • have no business (doing something)
  • have no chance in hell
  • have no heart for (something)
  • have no idea
  • have no part in/of (something)
  • have no stomach for (something)
  • have no strings attached
  • have no time for (someone or something)
  • have none of (something)
  • have none of it/that
  • have not heard the half of it
  • have nothing between the/(one's) ears
  • have nothing going for (someone or something)
  • have nothing on (someone or something)
  • have nothing to do with (someone or something)
  • have occasion to (do something)
  • have one foot in the grave
  • have one for the worms
  • have one over (the) eight
  • have one too many
  • have other fish to fry
  • have passed (someone or something's) sell-by date
  • have pins and needles
  • have precedence over (someone or something)
  • have pride of place
  • have pull with (someone)
  • have regard to (something)
  • have scales fall from (one's) eyes
  • have seen (one's) day
  • have seen better days
  • have several irons in the fire
  • have sex
  • have shit for brains
  • have skin in the game
  • have snow on the mountain
  • have snow on the roof
  • have somebody/something written all over it
  • have something on the ball
  • have something to eat
  • have something to prove
  • have sporting blood
  • have square eyes
  • have stardust in (one's) eyes
  • have sticky fingers
  • have strings attached
  • have swallowed a dictionary
  • have teeth
  • have teething problems
  • have teething troubles
  • have the (brass) face to (do something)
  • have the (brass) neck to (do something)
  • have the (good) grace to (do something)
  • have the advantage of (something)
  • have the ball at (one's) feet
  • have the best of (something)
  • have the better of (someone or something)
  • have the bit in (one's) teeth
  • have the blues
  • have the brass (neck) to (do something)
  • have the bug
  • have the cares of the world on (one's) shoulders
  • have the constitution of an ox
  • have the courage of (one's) convictions
  • have the courtesy to (do something)
  • have the devil's own job
  • have the devil's own luck
  • have the drop on (someone or something)
  • have the edge on (someone or something)
  • have the feel of (something)
  • have the feeling
  • have the final say
  • have the final word
  • have the floor
  • have the goods
  • have the hang of (something)
  • have the honor of (doing something)
  • have the horn
  • have the inside track
  • have the jump on
  • have the last laugh
  • have the last say
  • have the last word
  • have the luck of the devil
  • have the makings of (something)
  • have the mouth of a sailor
  • have the munchies
  • have the nerve to (do something)
  • have the patience of Job
  • have the right idea
  • have the right sow by the ear
  • have the run of (some place)
  • have the say
  • have the sniffles
  • have the snuffles
  • have the sun in (one's) eyes
  • have the upper hand
  • have the weight of the world on (one's) shoulders
  • have the whip hand
  • have the wind up
  • have the world by the tail
  • have the world on a string
  • have the worst of (something)
  • have the/(one's) feelers out
  • have to be seen to be believed
  • have to do with (something)
  • have too many irons in the fire
  • have toys in the attic
  • have truck with
  • have two left feet
  • have two strikes against (one)
  • have two strings to (one's) bow
  • have what it takes
  • have whiskers
  • have windmills in (one's) head
  • have work done
  • have your/its moments
  • have/keep something up your sleeve
  • he, she, etc. has gone/been and done something
  • hell has no fury like a woman scorned
  • hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
  • in hospital
  • leave (someone or something) in (one's) hands
  • life has been good
  • lock the barn door after the horse has bolted
  • lock the barn/stable door after the horse has bolted/is stolen, to
  • lock the stable door after the horse has bolted
  • look as if (one) has seen a ghost
  • look as though (one) has seen a ghost
  • more (something) than Carter('s) has (liver) pills
  • more something than someone has had hot dinners
  • more than Carter has pills
  • more than someone has had hot dinners
  • more.../more often than somebody has had hot dinners
  • mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken
  • move up
  • move up in the world
  • much ink has been spilled
  • never have a good word to say about (someone of something)
  • never have a good word to say for (someone of something)
  • not have a good word to say about (someone of something)
  • not have a good word to say for (someone of something)
  • not have a lot on
  • not have anything on (someone or something)
  • not have the first idea
  • not have the slightest idea
  • not let catch doing
  • not move a muscle
  • now (someone) has gone and done it
  • once the dust has settled
  • price one has to pay
  • put a price on (someone's) head
  • ride (someone's) ass
  • ride (someone's) back
  • ride (someone's) butt
  • ride roughshod over (someone or something)
  • ride tall in the/(one's) saddle
  • rumor has it (that)
  • rumor has it that
  • rumour has it
  • shrouds have no pockets
  • shut/lock/close the stable door after the horse has bolted
  • silver lining
  • sit tall in the/(one's) saddle
  • someone's hands are clean
  • something has your name on it
  • something's got to give
  • success has many fathers, failure is an orphan
  • the (hand)writing is on the wall
  • the balloon goes up
  • the bird has flown
  • the black ox has trod upon (one's) foot
  • the black ox has trod upon (one's) toe
  • the cat has got someone's tongue
  • the cat's got (one's) tongue
  • the die has been cast
  • the mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken
  • the price (one) has to pay
  • the rot sets in
  • the well has run dry
  • the wheel has come full circle
  • the wheel has come/turned full circle
  • the wheel has turned full circle
  • the worm has turned
  • them as has, gets
  • time has come
  • went out with the ark
  • what (one) has coming
  • what has been seen cannot be unseen
  • what will become of (someone or something)
  • what will become/has become/became of somebody/something?
  • when the dust has settled
  • worm turns, the
References in classic literature
Tegetmeier that it has been experimentally found that no less than from twelve to fifteen pounds of dry sugar are consumed by a hive of bees for the secretion of each pound of wax; so that a prodigious quantity of fluid nectar must be collected and consumed by the bees in a hive for the secretion of the wax necessary for the construction of their combs.
Thus, a well-flavoured vegetable is cooked, and the individual is destroyed; but the horticulturist sows seeds of the same stock, and confidently expects to get nearly the same variety; breeders of cattle wish the flesh and fat to be well marbled together; the animal has been slaughtered, but the breeder goes with confidence to the same family.
Smith has shown how surprisingly the neuters of several British ants differ from each other in size and sometimes in colour; and that the extreme forms can sometimes be perfectly linked together by individuals taken out of the same nest: I have myself compared perfect gradations of this kind.
Thus, as I believe, the wonderful fact of two distinctly defined castes of sterile workers existing in the same nest, both widely different from each other and from their parents, has originated.
On the other hand, the fact that instincts are not always absolutely perfect and are liable to mistakes;--that no instinct has been produced for the exclusive good of other animals, but that each animal takes advantage of the instincts of others;--that the canon in natural history, of 'natura non facit saltum' is applicable to instincts as well as to corporeal structure, and is plainly explicable on the foregoing views, but is otherwise inexplicable,--all tend to corroborate the theory of natural selection.
And in fact is has been seen that the greatness of the Church and of Spain in Italy has been caused by France, and her ruin may be attributed to them.
By Order of the Board Donal Kavanagh, Director On behalf of Swiftriver Limited Cabello Unlimited Company having its registered office and its principal place of business at Suite 207, Unit 3013 Lake Drive, Citywest Business Park, Dublin 24 having ceased trading on 31st December 2018 and having no assets or liabilities has resolved to notify the Registrar of Companies that the Company is not carrying on business and to request the Registrar on that basis to exercise his powers pursuant to section 731 of the Companies Act 2014 to strike the name of the Company off the register.
The theory has been applied to changing beliefs and attitudes (e.g., Lutz, 1973), and beliefs, attitudes, and actual behavior (e.g., McArdle, 1972).
Therefore, it is assumed that, whether the adhesion strength (in particular, the dynamic adhesion strength) was good or bad has a considerable affect on the progress of the fatigue.
Wicklow A63hp70 & (e)Sarolusa Ltd never having traded having its registered office & principal place of business at 8 Offington Drive, Sutton, Dublin 13 D13 R7w3 & (f)Savage Outdoors Ltd having ceased to trade having its registered office & principal place of business at 666 Howth Road, Raheny, Dublin 5 D05eh61 and each of which has no assets exceeding [euro]150 and/ or liabilities, have each resolved to notify the registrar of companies that the company is not carrying on business and to request the registrar on that basis to exercise her powers pursuant to section 733 of companies act 2014 to strike the name of the company off the register.