hard time

hard time

Time spent in a prison, often implied to be as unpleasant as possible. When we catch these criminals, they're going to be doing at least 20 years of hard time. Solitary confinement is the hardest time you can do.
See also: hard, time
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

hard time

1. Also, hard times. A period of difficulty or hardship, especially financial hardship. For example, Since Mom died, Christmas has been a hard time for Dad, or It's been hard times for both of them since they split up. It is also put as have a hard time, as in I'm having a hard time finishing this book. Charles Dickens used Hard Times as the title of a novel about poverty (1854). A more recent version is have a time of it, which despite its ambiguity (not specifying either "good" or "bad") nearly always means "experiencing difficulty"; for example, We had quite a time of it in that hurricane. [Late 1300s]
2. give someone a hard time. Annoy or harass someone. For example, Don't let him give you a hard time; he's often late himself. [Colloquial; early 1900s]
See also: hard, time
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

hard time

1. n. a difficult experience. I had a hard time at the doctor’s office.
2. n. a prison sentence. (Underworld.) How much hard time does he have behind him?
See also: hard, time
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • come to a bad end
  • come to a bad/sticky end
  • get (something) over with
  • get it over with
  • about last night...
  • be not above (doing something)
  • like pulling teeth
  • here we go again
  • in for
  • be in for something
References in periodicals archive
But even though her knees are giving her a hard time, she said she does not want to be left in the confines of her wheelchair.
Despite extensive reforms in the banking sector, India will have a hard time managing bad debts, according to Manulife Asset Management's Rana Gupta.
positive vibrations his way as this is a hard time for him.
She demanded from the authorities concerned to release salaries for their children because they facing hard time in this regard.
The newly appointed special public prosecutor will have hard time disclosing the crime and corruption of the Government of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.
STEPMOM Channel 5, 1.35pm A successful photographer marries a divorced businessman with two children, but has a hard time adapting to her new role as a stepmother - a task made all the more difficult by the hostile attitude of his ex-wife.
CHRISTIAN Benteke shouldn't be given a hard time for his scoring drought - because he's still giving defenders a hard time.
"Danny has had a hard time but the draw on Monday will give him hope things will get back to normal.
Hard time: Agutter The American Werewolf In London star, famous for disrobing in 1970s films Walkabout and Logan's Run, told the Radio Times: "I came from the 1960s 'me' generation, whereas the 50s were about recovering from two world wars", adding: "They were depressing and difficult times, and nowhere more so than in the Docklands."
Summary: Plan B says he has a hard time with being in the limelight because of other people's expectations of him.
He said that this is very hard time for the people of Malakand.
If they think their job is busy and difficult, well, the applicants go through hard time too.
That way the enemy has a hard time contaminating the fuel.
When fans hear about these fatten "heroes," it's not that they can't handle the truth; it's that they have a hard time handling the evolving reality that our sports stars can no longer carry the burden of our expectations.
People who have a hard time waking in the morning because their bodies' internal clocks are out of syne with their sleep schedules are said to have "social jet lag" Researchers in Europe have determined that the phenomenon strongly correlates with smoking.