IN RECENT YEARS, I have been fortunate enough to translate four books by Jennifer Egan into Spanish for the Spanish publishing market: A Visit from the
Goon Squad (El tiempo es un canalla, Minuscula, 2012), followed by The Keep (La tone del homenaje, Minuscula, 2013), Emerald City (Ciudad Esmeralda, Minuscula, 2016) and, more recently, Manhattan Beach (Salamandra, 2019).
The Role of Intuition in Translation
Examining Gary Shteyngart's Super Sad True Love Story, Jennifer Egan's A Visit from the
Goon Squad, and Colson Whitehead's Zone One, Dinnen deftly demonstrates the reach of the digital banal.
The Digital Banal: New Media and American Literature and Culture
Sometimes an airline's
goon squad goes for hang time when they toss my rifle case through the air and onto a belt.
Today writers such as Marilynne Robinson (Gilead) and Jennifer Egan (A Visit From the
Goon Squad) are masters of their craft who portray complex and utterly credible characters with empathy and insight while telling stories with the power to shape how we navigate our world.
Roth left readers feeling they had been hit by a lightning bolt; The young Philip Roth set out to shock but his later masterpieces revealed an author of profound imaginative power with a harrowing understanding of human frailty, writes David Williamson
If they believe the FBI has become some kind of deep-state partisan
goon squad, they ought to offer less flimsy evidence than uncovering a few career FBI agents who vote for Democrats (or are married to one).
Washington needs time-out after Nunes memo
That's the
goon squad! I try to bring the studio to stage when we perform and these guys help me accomplish that vision.
Following in the footsteps of the prisoners of The Keep (2006) and the musical hangers-on of the Pulitzer Prize-winning A Visit From the
Goon Squad (2010), Egan's striking new novel Manhattan Beach, which takes place during the Second World War and was long-listed for the National Book Award, centers on two characters, each dreaming of drastic, irrevocable change.
Jennifer Egan
Jennifer Egan's immensely satisfying fifth novel, Manhattan Beach, the follow-up to A Visit From the
Goon Squad (2010), which won a Pulitzer Prize, has a good deal of that kind of life-swamping and life-supplementing effect.
A crime story on the waterfront
In the wake of her dazzling Pulitzer Prize winner, A Visit from the
Goon Squad, Jennifer Egan's deftly plotted new novel, Manhattan Beach, is a surprise.
Manhattan Beach: where the water takes her
In the auto strike above, the township and district labour federations actually sent a
goon squad to beat up the striking workers.
Insurgency Trap: Labour Politics in Postsocialist China by Eli Friedman
Texts used as examples include Jennifer EganAEs A Visit from the
Goon Squad, Dave EggersAEs A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, Jasper FfordeAEs Thursday-Next series, and Julian BarnesAEs England, England and The Sense of an Ending.
The Literature of Reconstruction: Authentic Fiction in the New Millennium
Think Jennifer Egan's A Visit From the
Goon Squad, but with food, not music.This is the only book I've ever given 10/10 to; I urge you to read it.
Well, suffice it to say that "Edward" has a few more miles on him than advertised, as well as some special skills (as in Special Forces) that come in handy once Damian starts asking too many questions, and finds himself on the run from a vast Phoenix Biogenic
goon squad led by the hard-to-kill Anton (Derek Luke, playing a version of "The Matrix's" endlessly regenerative Agent Smith).
Having been assigned to speak for thirty minutes on Visit from the
Goon Squad, I had to reread the first 11 chapters, and then the book as whole with the following questions in mind.
Pauses in Visit from the Goon Squad: aberration takes charge, or, literary Hijinks with the notion of time
Peter finds that out the hard way when the
goon squad visits, requesting his presence in the big man's cell, as Ken and Deirdre wait anxiously in the visiting room.
MEGAN SHOWN LITTLE CHARITY; Did she go too far after Noah's emergency hospitalisation?