
deal (someone or something) a blow

To adversely effect or detract from someone or something. Getting a bad grade in my favorite subject really dealt my self-confidence a blow. Despite the company's recent success, the massive recall dealt it quite a blow.
See also: blow, deal

deal a death blow

1. To strike someone (typically with a weapon) and cause immediate death. The warrior swiftly dealt a death blow to his adversary on the battlefield.
2. By extension, to cause the abrupt end of something. His arrest and subsequent conviction dealt a death blow to his successful career as an attorney. Despite the company's recent success, the massive recall dealt it a death blow.
See also: blow, deal, death

deal in (something)

1. To work in a particular field. I deal in medical supplies these days, selling X-ray and MRI machines to hospitals. Mike has been acting so secretive lately that I'm starting to think he's dealing in something illegal.
2. To focus on or include something. Your term paper for this class must deal in the major themes of modernism.
3. To accept, work with, or base one's efforts on something. We don't deal in rumors at this newspaper, so you'd better have some cold, hard facts to back you up if you want us to publish your story. The artist has stated that she deals in impressions and emotions when she paints.
See also: deal

deal out

1. To distribute (something) among those present. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "deal" and "out." Deal out the itinerary so we can see which landmark we're visiting first. We gathered round as the boss started dealing out our paychecks for the week.
2. To exclude one from something. The phrase likely originated from card games, in which cards are distributed among the players by "dealing" them. In this usage, the excluded person is typically stated between "deal" and "out." If you guys are going to keep playing poker, then deal me out—I have to go do something upstairs. Bobby isn't going to the conference anymore, so deal him out of this project.
See also: deal, out

deal with (someone or something)

1. To manage or handle someone or something (usually someone or something unpleasant). The phrase "deal with it" can be used dismissively to leave a task to someone else. I just can't deal with him when gets hysterical like this. I'll deal with the construction problems at the house—you go on ahead to work. A: "Sir, I'm not sure how you want me to handle all these calls." B: "Oh, just deal with it, Jeff."
2. To focus on or include something. Your term paper must deal with the major themes of modernism and link them to your chosen text.
3. To conduct business with someone or something. It's such a pain dealing with that company. They sent us the wrong size T-shirts and then took weeks to issue a refund.
4. To treat someone in a particular way. The owner dealt with me very nicely, so I'll definitely go back to his shop.
5. slang To kill someone. Don't worry, once I deal with the informant, he won't go running to the cops ever again.
See also: deal

he who smelt it dealt it

A retort made when someone has passed gas that places the blame on the first person to acknowledge the smell. A: "What's that awful smell?" B: "Hey, he who smelt it dealt it!"
See also: dealt, he, smelt, who

play the hand (one) is dealt

To accept, deal with, and make the most of one's current situation or circumstances; to make use of that which one is afforded or has available. I know you feel unsatisfied with your life at the moment, but we all have to play the hand we're dealt. Just keep working hard and things are bound to improve! I never asked to be responsible for the business, but I'm going to play the hand I was dealt.
See also: dealt, hand, play
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

deal something out

to pass something out piece by piece, giving everyone equal shares. The manager dealt the proposals out, giving each person an equal number to read. I'll deal out some more proposals.
See also: deal, out
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

deal out

1. Distribute, as in He dealt out more and more work. [Late 1300s] Also see deal in, def. 3.
2. deal someone out. Exclude someone, as in I don't have time for this project, so deal me out. This usage is the opposite of deal in, def. 3.
See also: deal, out
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

deal out

1. To exclude someone from a card game by not giving that player cards: Deal me out—I have to go to the bathroom.
2. To distribute something to someone: The dealer dealt the cards out. The politician dealt out pamphlets explaining her position on the issues. Deal out another hand; I'm ready to play.
See also: deal, out
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • deal (someone or something) a blow
  • deal somebody/something a blow
  • have a bad effect
  • have a bad effect (on someone or something)
  • married
  • marry
  • marry above oneself
  • above
  • above (oneself)
  • above yourself
References in periodicals archive
Understandably, these strategies and programs are directed towards the environmental issues dealt with the AHDR, mainly water scarcity and pollution.