give someone a good working over
give (one) a (good) working over
1. To harshly scold one for an extended period of time. Man, the boss really gave me a working over for messing up that client's account.
2. To beat one, especially in a way intended to punish or intimidate. The mafia leader sent a couple of goons to give the witness a good working over so that she wouldn't testify in court.
See also: give, over, working
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
give someone a (good) working over
tv. to scold or beat someone. The boss gave me a good working over before firing me.
See also: give, good, over, someone, working
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- give (one) (one's) head
- give head
- give somebody their head
- give someone their head
- as one man
- cooking for one
- drive (one) out of office
- force (one) out of office
- force out of office
- 1FTR