cold one

cold one

A cold glass, can, or bottle of beer. There's nothing better than a couple cold ones after a hard day's work. Pass me another cold one there, Jim.
See also: cold, one
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • take cold
  • catch a cold
  • cold shower
  • a cold shower
  • shower
  • you'll catch your death of cold
  • grow cold
  • the common cold
  • cold blood
  • cold coffee
References in classic literature
THAT Winter was a very cold one. And one night in December, when they were all sitting round the warm fire in the kitchen, and the Doctor was reading aloud to them out of books he had written himself in animal-language, the owl, Too-Too, suddenly said, "Sh!
As Jones had the vices of a warm disposition, he was entirely free from those of a cold one; and if his friends must have confest his temper to have been a little too easily ruffled, his enemies must at the same time have confest, that it as soon subsided; nor did it at all resemble the sea, whose swelling is more violent and dangerous after a storm is over than while the storm itself subsists.
The dinner, which was a cold one, had already been served, and remained neglected on the table while I told my story.
it is a very cold one, my dear friend," said Aramis.
The winter that we spent in those tents was an intensely cold one, and we suffered severely--how much I am sure General Armstrong never knew, because we made no complaints.
He and his companions were given hot coffee, and indeed, even gloved as they were, the job had been a cold one. They sat drinking it and regarding each other with satisfaction.
Reach For A Cold One: Analyst Weighs In On The Alcoholic Beverage Sector
Since 1999, the ratio has been two warm records set or broken for every cold one. In 16 of the last 20 years, there have been more daily high temperature records than low.
An ad hoc group, called Pay It Furloughed, has set up a website that allows furloughed federal workers or those working without pay to grab a cold one - or two - at several craft breweries in Washington, including Atlas Brew Works, DC Brau and Shop Made in DC.
Ms Walsh said: "Saturday y 6C Daytime d at weekend will make it night is looking like a cold one from our perspective.
Only Khuiten Peak, the cold one, remains three miles high,
The response from the world community, in general, and Muslim countries, in particular, is a cold one.
Going from a warm room into a cold one can heighten the risk of cardiovascular problems."
The winter of 2010/11 was an exceptionally cold one across Britain.
There's nothing better than cooling down with a nice cold one. Drinks expert Olly Smith is on hand to tell us the hottest tipples to enjoy in 2017