game over

game over

1. A phrase used to indicate that a game, typically a video game, has ended because the player has lost. Wow, I remember that "Game Over" screen from playing this so often as a kid.
2. By extension, a phrase used to describe a situation that has failed or is likely to fail. If we don't score another goal soon, it'll be game over. When she finds out you cheated on her, it'll be game over, dude.
See also: game, over
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

game over

said when a situation is regarded as hopeless or irreversible.
This expression probably comes from the use of the phrase at the conclusion of a computer game.
2001 Wall Street Journal There's a finite amount of money available, and, if it runs out, game over.
See also: game, over
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • game on
  • in the game
  • fair play
  • fair play (to you)
  • monkey in the middle
  • be game
  • a shell game
  • shell game
  • the game is up
  • game is up
References in periodicals archive
On July 9, Nike and Wieden + Kennedy filed their response to Game Over's complaint and denied allegations.