
  • a penny saved is a penny gained
  • gain (something) by (doing something)
  • gain by doing
  • gain dominion over
  • gain dominion over (someone or something)
  • gain entrance
  • gain from
  • gain from (something)
  • gain ground
  • gain ground against (something)
  • gain ground on (someone or something)
  • gain in
  • gain in (something)
  • gain on
  • gain on (someone or something)
  • gain the upper hand
  • gain time
  • get the upper hand
  • get, have, gain, etc. the upper hand
  • have the upper hand
  • ill-gotten gains
  • no gain without pain
  • no pain, no gain
  • nothing ventured, nothing gained
  • one man's loss is another man's gain
  • one person's loss is another person's gain
  • what you lose on the swings, you gain on the roundabouts
References in classic literature
"Then thou art a happy man," said the Dishonest Gain, "and thy bleeding head is but mere dissembling.
The victory gained did not bring the usual results because the peasants Karp and Vlas (who after the French had evacuated Moscow drove in their carts to pillage the town, and in general personally failed to manifest any heroic feelings), and the whole innumerable multitude of such peasants, did not bring their hay to Moscow for the high price offered them, but burned it instead.
Then let us imagine that the combatant who so sensibly employed the best and simplest means to attain his end was at the same time influenced by traditions of chivalry and, desiring to conceal the facts of the case, insisted that he had gained his victory with the rapier according to all the rules of art.
It was with a deep sigh of relief that I saw him gain a higher branch in safety.
Realizing that I could outdistance the clumsy brute in the open, I dropped from my leafy sanctuary intent only on distracting the thing's attention from Perry long enough to enable the old man to gain the safety of a larger tree.
You will lose all you have gained --and you have gained amazingly.
He remained silent, following her with his eyes, until she had gained her little room and closed the door; and then turning to the dwarf, said abruptly,
The white horse began to rattle in its throat; D'Artagnan gained upon him.
And then, at last, one hot midday, dizzy with hunger, we gained the divide.
Hiding his canoe, still afloat, among these thickets, with its prow seaward, he sat down in the stern, paddle low in hand; and when the ship was gliding by, like a flash he darted out; gained her side; with one backward dash of his foot capsized and sank his canoe; climbed up the chains; and throwing himself at full length upon the deck, grappled a ringbolt there, and swore not to let it go, though hacked in pieces.
A government may be changed either into an oligarchy, democracy, or a free state; when the magistrates, or any part of the city acquire great credit, or are increased in power, as the court of Areopagus at Athens, having procured great credit during the Median war, added firmness to their administration; and, on the other hand, the maritime force, composed of the commonalty, having gained the victory at Salamis, by their power at sea, got the lead in the state, and strengthened the popular party: and at Argos, the nobles, having gained great credit by the battle of Mantinea against the Lacedaemonians, endeavoured to dissolve the democracy.
Nuneaton & Bedworth: C gain 8, Lab lose 7, Green lose 1.
BRIDGEND Lab lose to NOC C gain 10, PC gain 2, Lab lose 6, Ind lose 4, LD lose 2.
Example 1:A, a financial-aid-eligible student, sells appreciated stock for $10,000 and generates $1,000 long-term capital gain. The gain is subject to a 50% financial aid assessment (after deductions and allowances) and a 5% marginal income tax rate.