The 384-hour
gabfest wrapped up with a "fili-bus-tour" to Washington, D.C., where guest bloviators Senators Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Jon Corzine (D-N.J.) joined in.
Conflict studies: our annual roundup of college campus activism
Thus begins the author's own "
gabfest." She sets the overly familiar, often condescending tone from the beginning and never deviates from it.
Founding Mothers: The Women Who Raised Our Nation
abdomen bedfast bighead bingham Carbons chiders clomped clonked cobnuts corbans counted dabster deports demount disject ditches dithers docents dustmen endmost foments fondest frontes
gabfest gunshot habitus hagnuts hedonic herdics hognuts holking horsing hosting Jacobin modems mounted mulcted noughts plonked ponders redfish redtops respond rodents rodsmen scoring shifted shifter shoring shotgun snorted snouted sported spouted thouing throngs unmoved
Vicinal and nonvicinal heterograms
The result is Unfiltered, a three-way
gabfest airing weekdays 9 A.M.-noon.
Left and centered: Air America radio's Rachel Maddow is out, brilliant, and ready to defend the other L word: liberal
Camaraderie was another attraction of the old style blue collar workplace, which Theriault describes as a "
gabfest." "Talk goes on constantly," he reports, "and the conversation can cover just about every topic imaginable," including, in one instance, the nature and fate of the indigenous Tasmanians.
Revering sweat
For a conference that was initially described as another governmental
gabfest with little likely to come out of it other than the usual platitudes, the World Summit on the Information Society looks to be more interesting than was previously thought.
Publishers win prizes
CONNECTIONS is an annual
gabfest sponsored by the New Media Federation of the Newspaper Association of America of Vienna, Va.
ECONOMIST FINDS NEW ECONOMY, BUT IT'S NOT TECH Industrial might is nothing compared to the revolution centered on ideas and consumers
Entertainers, now in its eighth year of syndication, is a weekly
gabfest with celebrities.
Celebrities online: Byron Allen takes his show on the Web. (Black Digerati)
1974: Michael Bennett hosts an all-night
gabfest for dancers to amass the stories he will turn into A Chorus Line.
Broadway's hits and misses. (Dance Theater)
Falwell's insensitive remarks were spewed forth September 13 on fellow televangelist and activist Pat Robertson's 700 Club
gabfest. Falwell, echoed by Robertson, declared that the American Civil Liberties Union, People for the American Way, feminists, homosexuals, abortion rights supporters, and de fenders of church-state separation are partially responsible for the terrorist attacks.
Horror and perspective. (CHURCH AND STATE)
Former model and entrepreneur Bethann Hardison and her
gabfest partner Marta Vargas talk for hours via handset.
Sisterfriends: Portraits of Sisterly Love Essays. (nonfiction reviews)
Pick up the newspaper or tune in to a Sunday morning TV
gabfest and you're likely to read or hear about the sizable majority of Americans who approve of voucher plans--school choice, as proponents put it.
Voters and Vouchers
Hosted by entertainment Web site, the Gotham
gabfest promises to gather such luminaries as syndicated columnist Liz Smith of Long Island's Newsday, Michael Musto of the Village Voice and MSNBC's Jeanette Walls to discuss how gossip is changing in the digital age and to honor the eYada Personality of the Year.
You'll Never Believe What I Heard
"It's been a helluva conference," said RSA president Jim Bidzos of his company's eighth annual cryptographers'
gabfest. "Yesterday we packed the place out, and today they broke DES."
SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT: Precious little to talk about in this Southern
gabfest in which Julia Roberts is betrayed by Dennis Quaid.
IT REILLY IS RIDICULOUS; Mary Reilly (15, 108mins)