Here are a few: jobsworth, magalog, glocal, wimmin, hothousing, compassion fatigue, flak catcher,
fuzzword, factoid, golden retriever (with a new spin).
Tune in to your leading linguistic indicators
Eade (Eds.), Deconstructing development discourse: Buzzwords and
fuzzwords (pp.
What Do We Mean When We Talk About Transparency? Toward Meaningful Transparency in Commercial Content Moderation
Buzzwords and
fuzzwords: deconstructing development discourse.
Governance and capacity to manage resilience of health systems: Towards a new conceptual framework
Eade (eds), Deconstructing Development Discourse: Buzzwords and
Fuzzwords, Rugby, UK, Practical Action Publishing, 2011, pp111-122; Andrea Cornwall and Karen Brock, 'What Do Buzzwords Do for Development Policy?
Issue 4-5 of the journal Development in Practice, 17, 2007 is devoted to a deconstruction of such key words and Andrea Cornwall (2007:471) in an article entitled Buzzwords and
Fuzzwords: Deconstructing Development Discourse, makes the following observation " Development's buzzwords are not only passwords to funding and influence...
Communication for social change, making theory count
Cornwall A,, 'Introductory overview--buzzwords and
fuzzwords: deconstructing development discourse' in Cornwall A and Eade D, eds, Deconstructing Development Discourse, Buzz Words and Fuzz Words, Oxfam, Warkwickshire (2010): 1-18.
Youth participation in local and national development in Ghana: 1620-2013
No wonder a former aide once told Fortune magazine, "She's progressive at the core." If she becomes president, we'll probably get what we got in the 1970s: a pro-government agenda clad in polyester
That '70s candidate: Jimmy Carter with helmet hair
While these
fuzzwords are dulling the listeners' capacity for critical thinking, the "contrasting" words are calling forth demonic images.
Tongue of Newt: the political power of language