
  • be far/further/furthest removed from (something)
  • be far/further/furthest removed from something
  • cannot see any further than the end of one’s nose
  • cannot see further than the end of one’s nose
  • cannot see further than your nose
  • can't see (any) further than the end of (one's) nose
  • can't see farther than (one's) nose
  • can't see farther than the end of (one's) nose
  • can't see further than (the end of) (one's) (own) nose
  • don't let it go any further
  • far/farther/further afield
  • further along the road
  • further along/down the road
  • further down the road
  • go further
  • go no further
  • not go any further
  • nothing could be further from (something)
  • nothing could be further from my mind
  • nothing could be further from my mind, the truth, etc.
  • see no further than (the end of) (one's) (own) nose
  • see no further than the end of nose
  • see no further than the end of one’s nose
  • stretch your arm no further than your sleeve (will reach)
  • stretch your arm no further than your sleeve will reach
  • take (something) further
  • take something further
  • with no further ado
  • without further ado
  • without further/more ado
References in classic literature
"Tonight, before my Ethiop friends eat you, I shall tell you what has already befallen your wife and child, and what further plans I have for their futures."
Agnes steadily refused to listen, and positively forbade any further conversation relating to Lord Montbarry's wife, now that Lord Montbarry was no more.
There was something in her tone of voice that led the Russian to attribute to her a deeper feeling for his enemy than friendship, and he grasped at the suggestion to be further revenged upon the man whom he supposed dead by besmirching his memory to the girl.
"The last few seconds of my life have taught me that it would be hideous to attempt further to deceive myself and you, or to entertain for an instant longer the possibility of ever becoming your wife, should we regain civilization."
They therefore thought fit to tell him that as they shipped themselves to serve in the ship under his command, they would perform it well and faithfully; but if I would not quit the ship, or the captain oblige me to quit it, they would all leave the ship, and sail no further with him; and at that word ALL he turned his face towards the main-mast, which was, it seems, a signal agreed on, when the seamen, being got together there, cried out, "ONE AND ALL!
I was rich enough already, nor had I any uneasy desires about getting more money; therefore the profit of the voyage to me was of no great force for the prompting me forward to further undertakings.
Such further description as may be needed may be kept till we come within sight of its gilded roofs and marble terraces.
There was no further question, therefore, about Marie Michon among the four Musketeers, who besides had what they wanted: that was, the order to withdraw Mme.
It was determined to send exploring parties on each side of the river to ascertain whether it was possible to navigate it further. Accordingly, on the following morning, three men were despatched along the south bank, while Mr.
A lingering hope, which had been indulged by some of the party, of proceeding by water, was now finally given up: the long and terrific strait of the river set all further progress at defiance, and in their disgust at the place, and their vexation at the disasters sustained there, they gave it the indignant, though not very decorous, appellation of the Devil's Scuttle Hole.
At the same moment the bell sounded deep in the wood, so clear and solemnly that five or six determined to penetrate somewhat further. It was so thick, and the foliage so dense, that it was quite fatiguing to proceed.
On the evening of the second day, however, he again opened his ears, though he still kept silent: for there were many curious and dangerous things to be heard on board the ship, which came from afar, and was to go still further. Zarathustra, however, was fond of all those who make distant voyages, and dislike to live without danger.
But should one follow them further--and ever further and further on, thinkest thou, dwarf, that these roads would be eternally antithetical?"--
Seeing that she could do nothing with him, the mother gave him a crust of bread and a bottle of water, and took no further heed of him.
Sumsam Bukhari further said that cases going on in courts against opposition are framed by both these parties against each other who have become allies today.