handle with gloves
handle (someone or something) with gloves
To handle with very gentle care, often to the point of coddling. The phrase "handle with kid gloves" is also commonly used. Kid gloves are very soft leather gloves, typically made from the skin of a young goat (a "kid"). I can't stand the way my family always handles us with gloves, trying to protect us from every little thing! We'll need to handle the two parties in the merger with gloves—both clients are extremely sensitive.
See also: glove, handle
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
handle with gloves
Also, handle with kid gloves. Treat with great or very gently, as in She has a terrible temper, so try to handle her with kid gloves. This usage probably alludes to the antonym, handle without gloves, meaning "to treat harshly." Gloves made of kidskin, the hide of a young goat, are soft and pliable, whence the transfer to delicate treatment. [Second half of 1800s]
See also: glove, handle
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
- handle (someone or something) with gloves
- handle (someone or something) with kid gloves
- handle someone or something with kid gloves
- handle with kid gloves
- handle, treat, etc. somebody with kid gloves
- treat (someone or something) with kid gloves
- treat someone with kid gloves
- with kid gloves
- kid gloves
- kid gloves, to handle/treat with