a blue funk
1. A melancholy, depressed, or dejected state. Jill has been in a blue funk ever since her wife moved out.
2. An extremely anxious, nervous, or fearful state. I was in a blue funk waiting to hear the outcome of the surgery.
See also: blue, funk
be in a (blue) funk
slang To feel sad or unhappy for a lengthy period of time. Ever since I got rejected from my first-choice college, I've been in a funk. I'm taking Don out tonight because he's been in a blue funk since his wife left him.
See also: funk
be in a blue funk
1. To be in a melancholy, depressed, or dejected state. Jill has been in a blue funk ever since her wife moved out.
2. To be in an extremely anxious, nervous, or fearful state. I was in a blue funk waiting to hear the outcome of the surgery.
See also: blue, funk
fake the funk
slang To pretend to be cooler or more knowledgeable than one actually is. You can't fake the funk, man—you're either cool or you're not.
See also: fake, funk
funk out
dated To fail, shrink from, or refuse to do something due to fear; to chicken out. The soldier was court-martialed for funking out ahead of the attack. I wasn't surprised Billy had funked out. He always was a great big wuss.
See also: funk, out
funked out
slang Intoxicated with drugs or alcohol. Do you remember last night at the bar at all? You were really funked out!
See also: funk, out
in a (blue) funk
slang Feeling sad or unhappy for a lengthy period of time. Ever since I got rejected from my first-choice college, I've been in a funk. I'm taking Don out tonight because he's been in a blue funk since his wife left him.
See also: funk
in a blue funk
1. In a melancholy, depressed, or dejected state. Jill has been in a blue funk ever since her wife moved out.
2. In an extremely anxious, nervous, or fearful state. I was in a blue funk waiting to hear the outcome of the surgery.
See also: blue, funk
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
funked out
Sl. intoxicated. Do you think you can go through life funked out all the time? Are you funked out again?
See also: funk, out
in a (blue) funk
sad; depressed. I've been in a blue funk all week. Don't get in a funk about your job. Things'll get better.
See also: funk
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
blue funk, in a
1. In a state of panic or terror. For example, Just because the bride's mother is late, you needn't get in a blue funk. This term originated in the mid-1700s as in a funk, the adjective blue, meaning "affected with fear or anxiety," being added a century later.
2. In a state of dejection, sad. For example, Anne has been in a blue funk since her dog died. This usage employs blue in the sense of "sad"-a meaning that first emerged in the late 1300s. Also see have the blues.
See also: blue
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
blue funk
(ˈblu ˈfəŋk) n. a state of depression. You’ve got to get out of your blue funk and get back to work.
See also: blue, funk
fake the funk
tv. to pretend to be in the know; to pretend to be fly; to fake being stylish. (Black.) He’s only faking the funk to survive in the hood. He gets an A in every class in school.
See also: fake, funk
(fəŋk)1. n. a bad odor; a stench. What is that ghastly funk in here?
2. n. tobacco smoke. Most of those important decisions are made by party hacks in funk-filled back rooms.
3. n. a depressed state. I’ve been in such a funk that I can’t get my work done.
4. n. cowardice; terror. She suffers this terrible funk whenever she has to give a talk.
5. n. a kind of blues rock; jazz based on gospel music. Man, groove on that funk, would ya?
funked out
mod. alcohol or drug intoxicated. Do you think you can go through life funked out all the time?
See also: funk, out
mod. damnable. (Euphemistic for fucking. Usually objectionable.) Who put this funking milk crate in the hall?
See also: funk
in a blue funk
mod. sad; depressed. Don’t be in a blue funk. Things’ll get better.
See also: blue, funk
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
blue funk, to be in a
In a sad or dejected mood. One writer suggests that the term may come from the Walloon in de fonk zum, which means “to be in the smoke,” but this etymology has not been verified. Eric Partridge believed funk came from the Flemish fonck, for “perturbation” or “disturbance,” and indeed, to be in a funk at first meant to be very nervous or terrified (early eighteenth century). Somehow it got changed, perhaps owing to the addition of blue, with its colloquial meaning of “sad.” A more recent variant is a deep funk, said, for example, of a deep decline in the stock market: “The market’s fallen into a deep funk.”
See also: blue
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
- a blue funk
- blue funk
- blue funk, in a
- blue funk, to be in a
- that way lies madness
- that way madness lies
- have a heavy heart
- (Is) life getting you down?
- (Are) things getting you down?
- things getting you down?