grist for

grist for

(one's)/the mill
Something that can be used to advantage.
See also: grist
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
See also:
  • on one
  • go out of
  • grist to the mill
  • hit the high
  • final
  • mill
  • ain’t 1
  • helluva someone/something
  • hit someone for something
  • beat the
References in classic literature
Surely the time was gone forever when the broad river could bring up unwelcome ships; Russia was only the place where the linseed came from,--the more the better,--making grist for the great vertical millstones with their scythe-like arms, roaring and grinding and carefully sweeping as if an informing soul were in them.
The leveller arrived 10 minutes into the second half when Kai Edwards and Chris Davies combined nicely down the right and the latter was brought down by Grist for a clear penalty.
Even a recent gig as performer on an Olivia cruise provided her with grist for the mill.
But suddenly the game turned and Scholes midfielders Marcus Newby and Jordan Crampton went on a series of raids which led to Liam Mite drilling the ball past Grist for the opening goal.
Mayhem and merriment rule, along with endless cinematic trivia, and all this provides reader Sullivan with grist for his narrative mill.
Yet far from constituting a point of real interest, this immediately became just more grist for the rumor mill--an apparent embarrassment to the gallery, who felt it necessary to reassure punters that the Master had put in at least some time on each and every picture.
FOIA requests to federal and state agencies can bring up hot, won't-have-seen-it anywhere-else grist for your FFT issues:
It also represented, Greenberg argues, an early sign of an impulse with huge political consequences: the increasing distrust liberals held for "middle America," the first signs of what would come to be called "liberal elitism"--a three that still provides grist for conservative mills.
Far from shying away from these things, Kysar implores the preacher to embrace these ambiguities and paradoxes as grist for the preaching mill.
Brock and Parker provide rich grist for the revisionist mill, but not a new idea.
I have long advocated a whole-grain-rye-based diet instead of wheat-based, and the "large amounts of lignans" in rye gives more (if surprising) grist for my mill.
The very day of NIC's opening gala, "A Night on Wall Street," Sunrise Assisted living's stock lost over half its value, providing further grist for what would be a running theme throughout the three-day event: that the public equity market is no place for long term care companies.
Confusing rules, staff downsizings, facilities unwittingly losing thousands of dollars a week, patients at risk for denial of care, the looming threat of federal prosecution for mistakes - this is all grist for the journalistic mill.
Woody Allen is an author accused by everyone of using his relationships as grist for his successful books.
She doesn't have fusion as a goal but says that "everything I see, read, feel, becomes grist for my mill." And so some modern dance moves and even jazz music appear in the work she has choreographed for the Darpana Academy's touring company.