get the shaft

get the shaft

To be exploited, cheated, or taken advantage of; to be treated unfairly. Whenever a crappy job comes around, I'm always the one who gets the shaft. Once again it's folks living in rural communities who end up getting the shaft.
See also: get, shaft
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

get the shaft

Sl. to be cheated; to be taken advantage of; to be mistreated. (See also give someone the shaft.) Why do I get the shaft when I did nothing wrong?
See also: get, shaft
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • shaft
  • give (one) the shaft
  • give somebody the shaft
  • give someone the shaft
  • give the shaft
  • shafted
  • tattoo
  • blued, screwed, and tattooed
  • screwed, blued, and tattooed
  • push off on
References in periodicals archive
He or she will have the tools necessary to assist in making sure you don't 'get the shaft' when making this important purchase decision.***The Royal Golf Academy's Junior Golf Programme gets underway next month with a new six-week series of one-hour classes aimed at creating long-term athletic development and golf improvement.
When you get the shafts and 45 [degrees] fittings in the correct alignment dry (without glue), carefully mark each with a sharp knife--scribing both the shaft and the stub on the other end of the 45 [degrees] fitting, and the fittings themselves.