

1. Dead. A: "Please, doctor, you've got to help him!" B: "I'm sorry, but it's too late. He's gone."
2. slang Pregnant (for some amount of time). Aw, congratulations! How far gone are you? I was nearly seven months gone when we moved to Seattle, and I had to pack up the entire house myself because Tom was off traveling for work.
3. slang Heavily intoxicated from drugs or alcohol. A: "I don't remember much of what happened last night." B: "I'm not surprised, dude. After you hit that blunt, you were gone!"

gone on (one)

slang Enamored, infatuated, or in love with one. Oh, I know he's gone on Christina— he won't stop gushing about her! I thought she seemed gone on him, but she broke up with him just a month after they started going out.
See also: gone, on
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. and gone under mod. unconscious. He’s gone under. You can begin the procedure now.
2. and gone under mod. alcohol or drug intoxicated. Those chicks are gone—too much to drink. Wow, he’s really gone.
3. mod. cool; out of this world. (Typically real gone.) This ice cream is gone, man, gone!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
  • a gone coon
  • a goner
  • all gone
  • all over creation
  • all over hell and gone
  • be as good as gone
  • be gone on
  • be gone up
  • be on welfare
  • been and gone and done it
  • boldly go where no man has gone before
  • boldly go where no one has gone before
  • days gone by
  • dead and buried
  • dead and buried/gone
  • dead and gone
  • far gone
  • go (all) around the houses
  • go (out) on strike
  • go (out) wilding
  • go (out) with (someone)
  • go (straight) to the top
  • go (the) whole hog
  • go (to) it
  • go a bit far
  • go a bomb
  • go a different way
  • go a long way
  • go a long way in (doing something)
  • go a long way toward (doing something)
  • go a purler
  • go aboard
  • go about
  • go about (doing something)
  • go about to (do something)
  • go about your work
  • go above and beyond
  • go above and beyond the call of duty
  • go across
  • go after (someone or something)
  • go against (someone or something)
  • go against the flow
  • go against the grain
  • go against the stream
  • go against the tide
  • go ahead
  • go ahead with (something)
  • go all the way
  • go all the way to (some place)
  • go along
  • go along with (someone or something)
  • go and (do something)
  • go ape
  • go apeshit
  • go around
  • go around and around
  • go around Robin Hood's barn
  • go as far as (doing something)
  • go astray
  • go at (someone)
  • go at (something)
  • go at a fast clip
  • go at each other tooth and nail
  • go at it tooth and nail
  • go at one another tooth and nail
  • go away
  • go away empty-handed
  • go AWOL
  • go back
  • go back a long way
  • go back on (one's) pledge
  • go back on (one's) promise
  • go back on (one's) word
  • go back on (something)
  • go back to
  • go back to basics
  • go back to square one
  • go back to the salt mines
  • go bad
  • go ballistic
  • go bananas
  • go bang
  • go beet red
  • go begging
  • go below
  • go berserk
  • go between the bark and the tree
  • go between the moon and the milkman
  • go beyond (something)
  • go bitchcakes
  • go blank
  • go blooey
  • go bonkers
  • go broke
  • go bung
  • go bush
  • go bust
  • go by
  • go by the board
  • go by the name (of)
  • go by the wayside
  • go cap in hand (to someone)
  • go commando
  • go co-op
  • go counter
  • go crazy
  • go critical
  • go crook
  • go deep
  • go doolally
  • go down a blind alley
  • go down a bomb
  • go down a storm
  • go down a treat
  • go down a/the road
  • go down as (something)
  • go down badly
  • go down fighting
  • go down in defeat
  • go down in flames
  • go down in the world
  • go down like a lead balloon
  • go down like ninepins
  • go down memory lane
  • go down on (one)
  • go down that road
  • go down the chute
  • go down the line
  • go down the pan
  • go down the plughole
  • go down the rabbit hole
  • go down the toilet
  • go down the tubes
  • go down the wrong way
  • go down to defeat
  • go down to the wire
  • go down well
  • go down with (something)
  • go down with guns firing
  • go down with the ship
  • go downhill
  • go Dutch
  • go easy
  • go equipped
  • go eyes out
  • go fifty-fifty
  • go flatting
  • go flooey
  • go flying
  • go for (someone)
  • go for (something)
  • go for a Burton
  • go for a drive
  • go for a ride
  • go for a song
  • go for a spin (to some place)
  • go for a toss
  • go for broke
  • go for nothing
  • go for the burn
  • go for the doctor
  • go for the fences
  • go for the jugular
  • go for the throat
  • go forth
  • go forward
  • go forward with (something)
  • go freeball
  • go freeballing
  • go from bad to worse
  • go from one extreme to another
  • go from one extreme to the other
  • go from rags to riches
  • go from strength to strength
  • go full circle
  • go further
  • go Galt
  • go gangbusters
  • go gathering orange blossoms
  • go gold
  • go great guns
  • go halfies
  • go halfway
  • go hand in hand
  • go haywire
  • go head to head
  • go hell for leather
  • go hog wild
  • go home in a box
  • go home to mama
  • go hot and cold (all over)
  • go hungry
  • go in
  • go in (one's) favor
  • go in a body
  • go in a different direction
  • go in and out
  • go in fear of (one's) life
  • go in for (something)
  • go in off (of) (something)
  • go in off the deep end
  • go in on (something)
  • go in one ear and out the other
  • go in the right direction
  • go in with (someone)
  • go in with good cards
  • go in(to) heat
  • go into (something)
  • go into a huddle
  • go into a nosedive
  • go into a song and dance (about something)
  • go into a tailspin
  • go into action
  • go into effect
  • go into free fall
  • go into hiding
  • go into hock
  • go into orbit
  • go into overdrive
  • go into raptures
  • go into reverse
  • go into service
  • go into the same old song and dance (about something)
  • go into the service
  • go it blind
  • go kablooey
  • go legit
  • go like a bomb
  • go like a dream
  • go like a rocket
  • go like hot cakes
  • go like lightning
  • go like the wind
  • go live
  • go missing
  • go nap
  • go no further
  • go non-linear
  • go nowhere (fast)
  • go nuclear
  • go number one
  • go number two
  • go nuts
  • go off
  • go off (one's) dot
  • go off (one's) rocker
  • go off at a tangent
  • go off at half-cock
  • go off half-cocked
  • go off on (something)
  • go off on one
  • go off the boil
  • go off the deep end
  • go off the handle
  • go off the hooks
  • go off the rails
  • go off the reservation
  • go off without a hitch
  • go off-kilter
  • go on
  • go on (and on) about (something)
  • go on (doing something)
  • go on a binge
  • go on a diet
  • go on a spree
  • go on a wild goose chase
  • go on an errand
  • go on for ages
  • go on for an age
  • go on record
  • go on relief
  • go on the account
  • go on the block
  • go on the dole
  • go on the fritz
  • go on the game
  • go on the offensive
  • go on the prowl
  • go on the razzle
  • go on the rocks
  • go on the scrounge (for something)
  • go on the sick list
  • go on the stage
  • go on tick
  • go on to (something)
  • go on to a better land
  • go on tour
  • go on welfare
  • go on with (something)
  • go one-on-one with (someone)
  • go out
  • go out and paint the town red
  • go out for a drive
  • go out for a ride
  • go out for a spin (to some place)
  • go out in search of (someone or something)
  • go out like a light
  • go out of (one's) head
  • go out of (one's) mind with (something)
  • go out of (one's) senses
  • go out of business
  • go out of fashion
  • go out of favor (with one)
  • go out of kilter
  • go out of service
  • go out of style
  • go out of the way to (do something)
  • go out of use
  • go out on a limb
  • go out on the tiles
  • go over
  • go over (something) with a fine-tooth comb
  • go over big (with someone)
  • go over like a fart in church
  • go over like a lead balloon
  • go over the hill
  • go over the hills and far away
  • go over the wall
  • go over with a bang
  • go overboard
  • go past
  • go pear-shaped
  • go pee-pee
  • go phut
  • go places
  • go platinum
  • go poo-poo
  • go postal
  • go private
  • go public
  • go public with (something)
  • go red
  • go right
  • go round
  • go round the bend
  • go scot-free
  • go see a man about a dog
  • go shares
  • go short (of something)
  • go sky-high
  • go slow
  • go snaky
  • go so far as (doing something)
  • go so far as to (do something)
  • go so far as to say (something)
  • go soft
  • go soft in the head
  • go sour
  • go south
  • go spare
  • go stag
  • go steady (with someone)
  • go stir-crazy
  • go straight
  • go strong
  • go the distance
  • go the extra mile
  • go the knuckle
  • go the limit
  • go the round(s)
  • go the way of (something)
  • go the way of all flesh
  • go the way of the dinosaur(s)
  • go the way of the dodo
  • go the way of the horse and buggy
  • go the way of the horse and carriage
  • go the whole nine yards
  • go there
  • go through
  • go through (something) with a fine-tooth comb
  • go through (the proper) channels
  • go through a bad patch
  • go through a lean patch
  • go through a phase
  • go through a rough patch
  • go through a sticky patch
  • go through fire and water
  • go through hell
  • go through hell and high water
  • go through hoops
  • go through the ceiling
  • go through the change
  • go through the changes
  • go through the mill
  • go through the motions
  • go through the roof
  • go through the wringer
  • go through with (something)
  • go through-stitch
  • go to (one's) glory
  • go to (someone or something)
  • go to any length(s)
  • go to any length(s) to (do something)
  • go to bed
  • go to bed with the chickens
  • go to bed with the sun
  • go to Davy Jones's locker
  • go to earth
  • go to extremes
  • go to ground
  • go to heaven in a wheelbarrow
  • go to hell and back
  • go to hell in a bucket
  • go to hell in a handbasket
  • go to hell in a handcart
  • go to Jericho
  • go to law
  • go to pieces
  • go to pot
  • go to press
  • go to press with (something)
  • go to rack and ruin
  • go to sea
  • go to see a man about a dog
  • go to seed
  • go to sleep
  • go to the bathroom
  • go to the bother
  • go to the bother of (doing something)
  • go to the bother to (do something)
  • go to the country
  • go to the devil
  • go to the dogs
  • go to the ends of the earth
  • go to the expense
  • go to the expense of (something)
  • go to the lavatory
  • go to the limit
  • go to the pack
  • go to the stake
  • go to the stake for (something)
  • go to the toilet
  • go to the trouble
  • go to the trouble of (doing something)
  • go to the trouble to (do something)
  • go to the wall
  • go to the world
  • go to the worst
  • go to town
  • go to town on (something)
  • go to trial
  • go to war (over someone or something)
  • go to waste
  • go to work
  • go to wrack and ruin
  • go toe-to-toe
  • go together
  • go too far
  • go toward (someone or something)
  • go two-forty
  • go under
  • go under the name of (something)
  • go under the wrecking ball
  • go underground
  • go up
  • go up against (someone or something)
  • go up for (something)
  • go up in flames
  • go up in smoke
  • go up in the world
  • go up the wall
  • go up to (something)
  • go upstairs
  • go viral
  • go walkabout
  • go walkies
  • go weak at the knees
  • go weak in the knees
  • go wee-wee
  • go west
  • go wide
  • go wild
  • go window-shopping
  • go with (someone or something)
  • go with a bang
  • go with a swing
  • go with bells on
  • go with it
  • go with the crowd
  • go with the flow
  • go with the plan
  • go with the stream
  • go with the territory
  • go with the tide
  • go without
  • go wrong
  • go zonkers
  • going, going, gone
  • going, going, gone!
  • gone
  • gone a million
  • gone but not forgotten
  • gone coon
  • gone coon, a
  • gone for a burton
  • gone goose
  • gone moggy
  • gone on
References in periodicals archive
I've gone to every bookstore and bought every book that said what the Bible really says about homosexuality.
What Bell says is that when modernity itself is exhausted as an unsatisfying solace and even bankrupt concept, what remains when unbelief has gone?
The adoring crowds are gone. Only the power of the state and the reactionaryism of the synagogue remain.
Both Agency.com and Buy.com, for example, have gone private within the last few years.
The campers were going places that they had never gone before, and the words they used to describe the day were simple.
And when I went back there a year later all those Cyrillic signs were gone. Which is when Hanoi was putting on the big push for normali zing relations with the U.S.
The psychic stakes in the legal battle over Gone With the Wind
What employees now contribute, either in premium sharing or out-of-pocket at point-of-service, that dollar amount's gone up.
"They're not buying power, there is no interruptible power, the prices haven't gone up, so they're in fine shape." Pasadena also has a municipal power system, but it is tied into the California Independent System Operator, which controls the state grid.
RD: There are recurrent themes in my work that I haven't really gone into deeply enough--mineral spaces, like the desert, a certain French rural life, a French quintessence, a relationship between pain and photography, politics.
You still call your boss by his/her formal title, until you've gone through the succession and stepped into his or her shoes.
AG: Malcolm, it strikes me you've really gone native in the United States [laughter] because, O.K., so it's the woman's fault.
We have found situations where the field service advice attorney has instructed the agent to drop the area of inquiry completely, and it has gone a long way to resolving an issue without the expenditure of the funds to develop the issue.
Fortunately, the bad, old times of environmental abuse are pretty much gone. The environmental abuse is on the extreme of the issue.